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  1. nikolas

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    lol Intelligent design, Fail
  2. nikolas

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    Not necessarily, (was hoping this wouldn't be picked up actually). The point is that economically the soviet union was a success, regardless whether it was a true communism or not. And about the state capitlism phase didn't that last like a month Russia (forgive my lack of history expertise)
  3. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    This pretty much sums up my beliefs.
  4. nikolas

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    Also many people cite the Soviet Unions failure as proof Communism is crap. However; 1. Many people don't even consider Soviet Russia as true Communism. 2. They ignore the fact the Soviet Union transformed itself from Serfdom (peasant Society) into a Space faring, Nuclear Super Power in the...
  5. nikolas

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    I think you looked way to deep into the analogy. but ill go anyway 1. Small fishing boat. For the purpose of the analogy i don't think it matters anyway. 2. For the purposes of the analogy again, i don't think it matters. On the other half of this point i agree. 3. i agree. The answer to my...
  6. nikolas

    Sharia Courts in Britain

    You mean other than a set of homophobic, anti-freedom of speech, sexist laws getting some sort of legal recognition?
  7. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    You cant disprove a Flying spaghetti Monster either, whats your point?
  8. nikolas

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    A man borrows another s boat, he uses this boat to catch fish, who is entitled to the fish, the boat owner or the fisherman?
  9. nikolas

    "Communism is the greatest evil unleashed on humanity"

    "For the 100 millionth time it's not possible, It's quackery. You can either have complete market drive economy or a complete Socialist economy." Year 11 Economics tells me you are wrong.
  10. nikolas

    Does God exist?

  11. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    i only seek truth. The Flying Spaghetti Monsters existance is truth. accept his Noodley Appendage so you can enter into his Pasta Plate and bask in The Flying Spaghetti's loving Appendage.
  12. nikolas

    World of warcraft

    Ive got characters On Aman'thul and thauressian, both horde :P account runs out in November though, not planning on renewing.
  13. nikolas

    Anybody do Ballroom dancing?

    I have a friend who does. sorry cant be much help
  14. nikolas

    people are more interested in spirituality now than at any point in history

    Lol The slippery slope argument. You call it a downward spiral I call it social-Darwinism.
  15. nikolas

    favourite quotes?

    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."Albert Einstein
  16. nikolas

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    Creationists Believe the universe was created from nothing.