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  1. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    You need a at the end of the quote.:)
  2. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Trust me the issue is laziness, not inability :P
  3. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    "Okay I think you have taken what I have said out of context. I was referring to the discrimination argument. It wasn't an argument against same sax marriage in itself." It is discrimination, that act purposely defines marriage between a Man and Women to exclude the possibility of...
  4. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    "And everyone should agree with them because they say so..." This is point is just plain stupid. Everyone should disagree because you say so "I believe that marriage is a human right where marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. I also believe that freedom of opinion is also...
  5. nikolas

    Patents and healthcare thing

    Ugh that's retarded, you cant own a way to test things...
  6. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    So why not allow Gay marriage?
  7. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Id still like someone who thinks its wrong to tell me why.
  8. nikolas

    Homosexuality in Australia

    My question is ...what is wrong with homosexuality?
  9. nikolas

    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    F@$#ing izlams deys taking our signs now!!
  10. nikolas

    Eugenics/Intellectual Discrimination

    Hi I'm Evolution :) DONT F@!$ING TELL ME HOW TO DO MY JOB!!!!!!!111!
  11. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    Oh i get it, the universe is run on emotions and morals. Youve got me converted, i mean come on how i come i didnt see it before, i mean, i like it when good things happen and im moral and shiz so logically the universe some how runs to reward being virtous and doing good shit. Perfectly logical
  12. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    They have no argument he exists, is my argument.
  13. nikolas

    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    But theyll take our gravvezz ru all waht the terrorists want
  14. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    We have no good reason to believe a God exists.
  15. nikolas

    Eugenics/Intellectual Discrimination

    Nah bro, just let natural selection determine whats better for us. although stuff like genetic engineering would be ok i guess. Population control may one day be inevitable, unless off course we start colonizing outer space.
  16. nikolas

    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    God damn terrists taking our graves
  17. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    Pfft i saw a pixie bruh.
  18. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    So as the theistic being God does not exist?
  19. nikolas

    Does God exist?

    Heyh guise if you do dah hokey pokey every nitw, wen u die, youll get an infinite award !!! true story.!!!!1111!! See if you accept pascals wager as a valid argument you would have to accept this statement as well because of the very nature of an "infinite reward" also pascals wager is a false...
  20. nikolas

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats omg omg !!!11!1