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  1. hsb39

    Movie Quote Game

    Didn't you have to get the last one to post another?
  2. hsb39

    Best Console Ever

    Replaying it. Over and over. I only actually got the game recently thanks to Wii Virtual Console (I played friends and rented it earlier). It's also fun to try and put it somewhere on a Zelda Timeline before Miyamoto releases an official one (if he ever does).
  3. hsb39


    I really liked it. I thought that it resembled Death Note is some ways (if anyone watches/reads Death Note). Although Lundi doesn't compare with L.
  4. hsb39

    Do you like maths?

    I currently have a fairly good class and a teacher that I think is very good, making it all the more enjoyable.
  5. hsb39

    Does God exist?

    I can't really prove that for you. I'll use the help of Descartes "I think therefore I am". Basically each individual can prove its own existence by the fact that they are thinking about it, if you are in a Matrix-like place, you might not look like what you look like and all of the people...
  6. hsb39

    Movie Quote Game

    Argh! I should have gotten that.
  7. hsb39

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    A vote to Nader is just a vote away from Obama, which might as well be a vote to Mccain. Nader may be liberal, but voting for him is in the interests of the conservatives. It's what "lost" Gore the 2000 election and made Bush "President".
  8. hsb39

    Addicted to Brawl

    Most people (including me) use GC because they are used to Mellee. I have seen a lot of newcomers using other control types. It is such a versatile game.
  9. hsb39

    Movie Quote Game

    Yup. And for the quote no idea, I'll have to wait a bit I guess.
  10. hsb39

    Movie Quote Game

    Tropic Thunder. "I have come to return you to our home country of Transexual of the planet Transylvania." (OK that is pretty easy if you have ever seen it).
  11. hsb39

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    What I meant was that it seemed like you were using his party rather than his opinions to judge him. I do think that he could be in Obama's cabinet (he's sounding more like Vinnick to me every minute).
  12. hsb39

    Movie Quote Game

    Burn after reading. "Wiggle your toe".
  13. hsb39

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    I saw a hilarious review in a newspaper (somewhere). 0 Stars: It took me a while to find out that the title of the movie was self-critisicm. The only thing funny in those movies is the fact that they think that they are funny. As for other terrible movies: every gaming movie...
  14. hsb39

    Sex And The City Movie

    I kind of liked the story bits of the movie, but saw absolutely no reason to the: wow look at this dress! now look at this dress! it is made by [insert company name] buy it! buy it! buy it! I also thought that the girls in it were kind of in the wrong most of the time. I'm sorry Carrie (the...
  15. hsb39

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    That does sound like you won't support Powell just because he is a Republican. I don't really know much about him to be honest.
  16. hsb39

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I would say that the definition is descrimination rather than the dictionary. I'm not really pointing any fingers at the Oxford Dictionary people (whoever they are).
  17. hsb39

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Did you hear about Colin Powell supporting Obama? It was just on the news.
  18. hsb39


    No. This is slightly less kiddy. Dexter, the show about the serial killer.
  19. hsb39

    The West Wing

    The West Wing may not be as current as some of the other T.V. shows around as it has finished, but I think that what I believe is the best T.V. show ever needs a thread. So... discuss!
  20. hsb39


    Just found out that they had a thread of this... YAY! I adore Dexter. Has anyone else read the books? If so, do you think that they'll ever do a story similar to the one from book 2 or is that slightly to extreme for T.V.