Search results

  1. hsb39

    Does God exist?

    The Bible personifies God... It's a major part of Christianity that he cares for us and the fact that he can care for us is in itself personification.
  2. hsb39

    Homosexuality in Australia

    When they made marriage about love rather than politics they interfered with the nature of marriage and I surely don't disagree with love based marriage.
  3. hsb39

    Does God exist?

    I think that people use religion as an excuse. Hitler wasn't Christian but claimed to be and was using it as one of the many excuses for what he did. The same goes for the KKK who claim to be Christian but are really just racist.
  4. hsb39

    Does God exist?

    I think that most of the suffering caused by religion is caused by the people of the religion rather than the religion itself (wars, homophobia). I also think that the good that religion does is often under-exaggerated. A lot of people have religion as the only thing that is preventing them from...
  5. hsb39

    Does God exist?

    Thank you (also not sarcastic).
  6. hsb39

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I think that it is a little bit more like not letting not letting a person without legs work at a desk job. There is no reason why that person without legs do that over a person with legs, and I believe that something similar applies with marriage. (Although that metaphor there isn't my argument...
  7. hsb39

    Does God exist?

  8. hsb39

    Does God exist?

    I am sick of being called a bigot because of my beliefs. I respect people's beliefs. And I really respect Shifty as another religious person who isn't trying to convert people (if there is anything that I love about Judaism it's the fact that it is against it to prothesise).
  9. hsb39


    Is it out already? I only just finished season 2.
  10. hsb39

    The Anime Thread

    My sister used an anime for her Ext. 2 major work, did it in 6 weeks, and got 48/50. Anime was truly with her HSC.
  11. hsb39

    Best Console Ever

    It does seem that the majority of votes are SNES or N64.
  12. hsb39

    Addicted to Brawl

    It is fun. Really, really fun. It doesn't get boring and you can practically play it for as long as ever due to fantastic multiplayer. For me it is the funnest game of this gen, I have not played any game which I have enjoyed more. I judge a game by how fun it is.
  13. hsb39

    Do you like maths?

    If you don't like your teacher, you are naturally inclined to not like the subject as much. And while it isn't an excuse, a bad teacher will most of the time make you perform worse.
  14. hsb39

    Addicted to Brawl

    It is (in my opinion) the best game of the Wii/360/PS3 generation.
  15. hsb39

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Although if Obama dies in office, we get Biden (who I actually prefer over Obama). Look at the situation if Mccain dies... Palin.
  16. hsb39

    Does God exist?

    You present a strong point. But, I think that some arguments might help.
  17. hsb39

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I love how people try to make the homosexuality argument into something that can be answered in a book.
  18. hsb39

    Movie Quote Game

    If everyone is OK with that: "No, I'm knee deep in pussy I just love the title."
  19. hsb39

    Movie Quote Game

    Don't worry... I have so many quotes that I want to use, but noone is putting up any quotes that I know.
  20. hsb39

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Most of the voters are still liberal and would have voted Obama>Mccain. In the 2000 election it lost Gore Florida, which could happen in any swing state. I say that if you can vote, vote for the one that you prefer that could win.