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  1. adnan91

    bored of studies members

    The proof of study = fail: study= no fail...(1) no study = fail...(2) (1)+(2) no study plus study = no fail plus fail take out study of LHS and fail out of RHS so.. study( no + 1)=fail( no +1 ) divide by (no + 1) you get study = fail ps theres nothing wrong with being a nerd
  2. adnan91

    Results countdown

    the bell curve tightens up towards the end so maybe..
  3. adnan91

    Results countdown

    So there cannot be two ppl that get 100 scaled i mean. If thats the case then i assume they would go down increments of .05 like the uai itself?
  4. adnan91

    Results countdown

    So he/she got 98 RAW in chem?
  5. adnan91

    Rewards for topping a subject

    well theres heaps of scholarships around. apply to all of them seriously! even if u think u wont get it just do it. plus theres heaps of scholarships in the course u take at uni. consider other uni's aswell
  6. adnan91

    Writer/Producer of Blinky Bill - ISRAELI

    u'll get wat u deserve on judgement day
  7. adnan91

    4-Unit Maths?

    I would say study the most for conics, complex and harder 3u. The rest dont need as much work, but def more work than all 3u topics
  8. adnan91

    Chemistry Summary

    go to resources on this site
  9. adnan91

    Induction HSC Question

    When u wanna step n=k+1 DONT write the value of n=k plus n=k+1. Just leave n=k+1 substituted alone for LHS and RHS of the original.
  10. adnan91


    chain rule! dy/dx= cot theta
  11. adnan91

    Mixing wine with juice.

    make 1 thread thats says "here is all my pointless questions combined"
  12. adnan91

    Why is it that most 'hot' girls are dumb or skank?

    zooomg fullishiizle my diizlle plaayaa
  13. adnan91

    Is this a major anomaly?

    the only reason its 99.xx is b/c usyd doesnt offer many places in it and hardly anyone does it there. Plus its pretty shit a usyd (teaching and stuff..) ur better off with aeronautical
  14. adnan91

    School Leavers Scholarships

    Engineering: Rejected. I really thought i had a chance my ranks were only 1sts and 2nd's and i had heaps of sports leader crap. Was upset but its ok, i hate how they say ur application was of very high standard but.. then again i was applying for a scholarships only 3 ppl would get :( I...
  15. adnan91

    Does English X2 Scale Good?

    gotta love mx2
  16. adnan91

    how do you gain muscle and lose fat at the same time

    how abt when ur done bulking how do lose fat but maintain the muscle
  17. adnan91

    Dead Space

  18. adnan91

    Dead Space

    whats it about? whats the 7day policy?
  19. adnan91

    Are you waiting for someone to call you?

    i dont follow....^^
  20. adnan91

    Extension 2 dance

    this should be about maths duuuhh...maybe then more ppl would read it