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  1. adnan91

    well that was a bit evil

    sooo pissed i lost a mark in mc q3 i saw 10000 not 1000 AHHHHHH. Wat u rkn abt a 89% will go too?
  2. adnan91


    YEAAH i got .094 not o.097 wtf was wityh that. But apparently if u add electrons then the answer comes out .097
  3. adnan91

    27 Wtf

    If i remember correctly the voltmeter was placed in parrellel with the wire and did not include the resistor so i dont think we needed to subtract 2 from our answer. Would be fine if u just wrote V=IR then subed in values from the graph as in not points from the given. I got r = 7.8ohms
  4. adnan91

    Free school travel axed

    Nah its true theres alot of ppl with great uni degrees that do low end jobs cuz they dont find any work. Like i talked to a taxi driver and he was a an engineer
  5. adnan91

    Aligned marks for Chem n Physics for 85

    Nooooo i mean if i get 85-92% raw
  6. adnan91

    Aligned marks for Chem n Physics for 85

    I would also like to know :)
  7. adnan91

    Induced emf graph vs Magnetic flux

    Yes emf = change in flux / change in time But to answer ur question! flux = magnetic field (B) x AREA. So Due to the directly proportional relationship the greater the area the greater hte emf :D
  8. adnan91

    Question Chain Thread !!!

    Can you explain them too me plz i just wanna compare. Because u know how some steps have more than one reaction going on. And im not too sure if we can just model ONE reaction not the whole thing
  9. adnan91

    Question Chain Thread !!!

    \ Lead must be monitored in society. It is a neurotoxin that causes severe mental retardation and affects the bofies nervous system. Lead was commonly used in household paints and fuel additives thus when housholds were demolished lead may have been passed onto our waterways throught...
  10. adnan91


    zzz tedious questions metal: there is a sea of free electrons among the metallic lattice. When a potential difference is applied it creates a drift velocity. This velocity is when the electrons move towards to postive terminal. They encounter collisons with themselves and any...
  11. adnan91


    How did u do Alevels? Are u refering to learning A level material or the exam. Ive done Olevels from that im basing my opinon on alevels
  12. adnan91

    Urgent Help!!!-cloud Chamber

    If they asked it in 2007 doubt they'll ask in 08
  13. adnan91

    Free school travel axed

    You know the premier was a garbage man b4 being elected
  14. adnan91

    Maximum torque question.

    independentz guy is wrong! F= BILsin@ this is the FORCE on the conductor in a magnetic field. Imagine a wire in a magnetic by lying at a 30 degree angle. Then u put sin 30 T=nBIAcos@ this is torque! torque is the turning effect of a force and it equals F x D where D= perpindicular distance...
  15. adnan91


    U kidding A levels are faaaar better than this. But hsc is mad but english being compulsory aint cool but meh its all gd
  16. adnan91

    All ready?

  17. adnan91

    Friends of the opposite sex

  18. adnan91

    First Job - any ideas?

    Any tips on how to write a resume?
  19. adnan91

    the rank and the people above you

    Easy and simplified question. IN 3U MATHS. If im ranked second and my internal is 79%. The person coming FIRST has an internal of 82% 3 marks difference. IF I IN THE HSC EXAM completly beat the person coming first by like 10% or more WHAT HAPPENS?