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  1. old.skool.kid

    What album(s) did you listen to today?

    Study music Delta-the Lostralian Cypress hill- Cypress Hill Cypress Hill- Black Sunday The Streets- Everything is borrowed Murs- Sweet Lord Talib Kweli- Eardrum Buckshot and 9th Wonder- Chemistry...... While doing chemistry of course!!!!
  2. old.skool.kid

    Good Vibrations 2009

    Doesnt sound as good as last years but still looks alright.. I havent heard of some of these.. Is this Yelle??????????? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  3. old.skool.kid

    Thoughts on Gap year

    Yeah thats one of the main reasons why i wanna do it getting like 300 a fortnight or something, that would be sweeeeeet.
  4. old.skool.kid


    I dont have this on dvd, but been watching it on t.v and season 1 just finished.. Neways so whats Dexter gunna get up to now????????/
  5. old.skool.kid

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    What do you guys do during your study breaks? I dont think i would be able to study for 2 hours straight, I always get so restless. I usually go and kick the footy around but that doesnt reallty help me unless i do it for ages. So then i just go and watch t.v or something and before i know it...
  6. old.skool.kid

    Snoop Dog, Ice Cube and Bone Thugz

    Yer. Seriously mclovin you are just embarrassing yourself.. Stop being an ignorant fool and gtfo.
  7. old.skool.kid

    What are you guys doing to study?

    I am writing new notes because my class notes are pretty shit and annoying, escpecially for chem. Making me freak, not much time left!!!!!!!! Then when ive done them do past papers.
  8. old.skool.kid

    Graduation Discussion

    Re: Graduation Day Yeah im finding it hard to concentrate on studying right now, in all our classes we do nothing and the teachers dont even show. Wednesday: get blind!!! and whole year is having a scavenger hunt round town. Thursday:get blind!!! Muck up day cant wait!! Firday:Rock up to...
  9. old.skool.kid

    NFL, NRL or AFL

    Yer squireshane i dont think youve played much union. Theres definatly alot more goin on in the ruck in union than in league. After every game i played this season i had at least two new ruck marks. And you can just jam cunts cleaning out. Also you actually have to push in the scrums in union...
  10. old.skool.kid

    2008 NRL Premiership

    Yer i wouldnt be surprised if the warriors go right ahead to play the storm in gf.. Does anyone else fucking hate Phil Gould? Man he is so annoying, can someone please tell him that footballers CANNOT see into the future and they CANNOT read minds. Sif Mini passed the ball to the warriors...
  11. old.skool.kid

    Moving Avatar?

    So how do you get them? You cant just copy someone elses can you
  12. old.skool.kid

    Moving Avatar?

    How do you get the moving pics for your avatar?
  13. old.skool.kid

    Thoughts on Gap year

    So im guessing that the people who go straight to uni live near the uni they go to, or their parents pay for their accomodation.. Are there any people that are going straight to uni but arent like this? I just rekon it would be hard to set yourself up in a new city with hardly any money..
  14. old.skool.kid

    Thoughts on Gap year

    Just out of interest how many people are thinking of having or have had a gap year? Im getting the feeling that most peeps on this site arent having a gap year and are gunna go straight to uni... What are your thoughts on a Gap year?
  15. old.skool.kid

    My notes

    What is your disability?
  16. old.skool.kid

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    our muck up day is on the 2nd last day of term i think... lol at glad wrap on toilet seat that would be classic.
  17. old.skool.kid

    B Psych or B Arts - Psyc?

    Yer definatly put down B psych as 1st pref if you're sure you wanna be a psychologist.. Just out of interest, what uni has B psych at 80?
  18. old.skool.kid

    your current favourite song

    That empire of the sun song, cant get it outa my head.
  19. old.skool.kid

    Beijing Paralympics 2008 Discussion Thread

    OMG did anyone just see that bball game on abc2? That was the sickest game, Australia was trailing Brazil the whole match and then with 4 seconds to go they steal the match and win by one point!!!!
  20. old.skool.kid

    Wisdom teeth suck!

    My wisdom teeth are realy annoying me right now, i keep biteing my cheek wen i eat and i have this mad sore. Doc said i should wait to get tem out after the HSC, but hearing that account im not looking forward to it :(. That was abit mean throwing yougurt at the nurse though...