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  1. old.skool.kid

    Indochina Help / Notes ?

    Yeah Indochina is annoying to write notes for. All of the dot points intertwine. I was planning on finishing my notes before the weekend, but im STILL GOING!! :uhoh:
  2. old.skool.kid


    Yeah womens tennis only has 3 sets.
  3. old.skool.kid

    ~~Mathematics Revising Game~~

    Yeah that was hard aye. I suck at trying to visualise the displacemant curve and whats going on.
  4. old.skool.kid

    Testing for concavity?

    What are your opinions on testing for concavity in curve sketching? Like in the 2007 it had a 10 MARKER, do you think they would have taken a mark off if you didnt test for it? I got a mark off in the trial for not doing it, but i think its pretty pointless and ive never done it..
  5. old.skool.kid

    ~~Mathematics Revising Game~~

    Doesnt it ask for just the first four though?
  6. old.skool.kid

    ~~Mathematics Revising Game~~

    LOL damn, what way off?
  7. old.skool.kid

    Dus music stimulate ur minds during study?

    Yer i always listen to sum hiphop specially for maths. But today when i was doin a 2007 maths in exam conditons, i had all this random shit goin throuhg my head. Like songs, and movies. I even started laughing cos the beging of Ali G was playing in my mind really clearly. I mean WTF? I made a...
  8. old.skool.kid

    ~~Mathematics Revising Game~~

    LoL man thats ridiculous for q3. Whats the point of even putting that in an exam when its not gunna be in the HSC? That took me a while and im not sure if its right. But i got CD+DE+EF+FG = 2sin@+ root3sin@+1.5sin@+3root3/4sin@ =3.5+7root3/4sin@ Oh and new question IF i got it...
  9. old.skool.kid

    Predictions...Who will come first in the HSC School Rankings this year?

    Brewarrina Central School. They fukin own this year braaaaaaaa.
  10. old.skool.kid

    Prediction for Essays

    Well they asked one on Pol Pot last year. Last years exam was pretty wack.
  11. old.skool.kid

    Hardest Mathematics Topic?

    Hmm yeah geometry is sorta hard escpecially when i focus on it for to long, then it just gets harder and fucks with my head nd then gives me the shits for the whole exam. Also, loan repayments are annoying.
  12. old.skool.kid

    Prediction for Essays

    Yeah but that would be dog to not ask it 2 years in a row! Na indochina's ok, Pol Pots regime is pretty interesting, but unlikely to get that q.
  13. old.skool.kid

    Prediction for Essays

    Yeah, Wiemar is awesome. Im really conting on a Weimar question this year, there has been one every year from 2001 except last year. So definite Weimar? I HOPE! Yeah i do Indochina, there doesnt really seem to be much of a pattern for that, except i think theres almost always one on American...
  14. old.skool.kid

    Feeling Like Shit?

    Seriously, sif you would have an avatar like that and not expect comments.
  15. old.skool.kid

    Now that English is over..

    Yea probably chem, but im just going to study heaps. It feeels so good that english is over now. That was the subject that gave me the shits and stresed me out most. No more english study wooooooooo
  16. old.skool.kid

    What is required to achieve a UAI of 80+

    Yeah same haha. Man english was shit i hope i get at least band4 for that..
  17. old.skool.kid

    Age Of Empires 2

    Haha i havent played this game for ages, i always wnted to play multiplayer but didnt know how. I would play someone if they wanted. I lyk celts, spainish or persians.
  18. old.skool.kid

    Ummm, does anyone realise English is over for good?

    YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Man i hate english gaddam cats crrawling up trees. Fuck you shakespeare!!!
  19. old.skool.kid

    Antony And Cleopatra!!??

    Yer i dont really get it either. Im not really sure what my arument is supposed to be.. Good supps: animal farm, wag the dog. There should be a list of good ones to choose somewhere.
  20. old.skool.kid

    Speeches - knowledge of all 12

    So how many speeches are you guys planning to write on in depth? I only know two as well; MLK and Lincoln. Iv'e seen questions where they have asked for three. So itd be best to know at least three right?