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  1. agirlinatutu


    well the people are great to work at. I dunno about Macca's itself
  2. agirlinatutu

    The McDonald's Thread

    Re: mcdonalds interview Usually they print out your application form, but its not going to hurt to have your resume with you. But pretty much as long as your an Australian citizen, have good availability, good eye contact (front area crew) and you have some sort of intelligence(although...
  3. agirlinatutu

    Year 11 English Area of Study and texts

    My friend at another school did relationships last year. Im doing journey's. You dont have to do any particular AoS until year 12 when everyone doing Advanced will do Belonging.
  4. agirlinatutu

    McDonald's to charge more in poorer suburbs

    Great now we have to explain why the prices of everything they brought 'last week' have gone up. Just like with the last price rise.
  5. agirlinatutu

    Favourite TV show from ABC when u were young

    Budgie the helicopter and Authur and Madeline, Brum, Johnson and Friends. Good times.
  6. agirlinatutu

    what type of english should i pick?

    not quite sure how you know what will and wont get you through the HSC. My advice to the OP - If you interested in Ext, give it a go and assuming that you've taken it as an extra unit you can drop it during year eleven or after it. Ext is very different to advanced, I personally enjoy it more...
  7. agirlinatutu

    Motivational speakers

    We had a really nice lady give us a really honest and fairly interesting motivation speech on public speaking and how to improve. It was pretty good.
  8. agirlinatutu

    NOTES ?!?!?!?!?!?! have you started

    Thanks guys :) I think I've got a better idea now. Maybe I'll start some this week for Ancient/Legal.
  9. agirlinatutu

    NOTES ?!?!?!?!?!?! have you started

    I feel stupid posting this but I really have no idea how to start making 'notes' for my subjects?
  10. agirlinatutu

    Science Research Project!!Help please

    yes which i majorly suck at. Its good advice tho.
  11. agirlinatutu

    Science Research Project!!Help please

    LMAO. how cute. My only advice is dont leave them to the last minute like I did. Bad idea that only ends bad
  12. agirlinatutu

    What subjects should I pick for year 11 & 12?

    uh WRONG. Sorry I couldn't resist. I went to a public school, which is the only bit you got correct, which gave us the option of picking our subject then they chose the lines, except when you have 150ish people all trying to get their subjects your not guaranteed for everyone to get their...
  13. agirlinatutu


    ive only been getting a crappy 8.5hours a week since I started back at school. Its sucks but my rostering manager wont do anything about it. Whoever said that guys arent in cafe are wrong. We have two guys both fully trained in cafe. One only gets shifts in cafe. If you want to get trained you...
  14. agirlinatutu

    Jobs during prelim year

    I work anywhere from 8.5 to 15hours a week, on top of the 6.5hours of dancing with studying/homework being every bit is spare time I have left. Its hard but I need the money
  15. agirlinatutu

    What subjects should I pick for year 11 & 12?

    To be honest, its too early to decide on subjects because you dont have lines yet. That when it life gets interesting before you may have a list of subjects that dont fit on the lines; and depending on the school there may not be alot you can do. Its only Feb/March your lines wont be released...
  16. agirlinatutu

    are we behind?

    As long as you know that it counts for nothing, but you still have learnt the content in year 11 I dont think it matters considerably. There is always those stories about the undercover nerds that blow everyone away in year 12. Im planning on working hard so that I have an understanding of the...
  17. agirlinatutu

    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    I agree with this. It would be interesting. I dont think that they are brilliantly written, but it annoys me when people compare HP and Twilight they arent remotely similar apart from the fact they have the "magical" theme. I like Twilight. lol and no Im not a standard eng student who can read.
  18. agirlinatutu

    Year 11/12 English Texts

    I studied the book in year 10 as well, so Im in front of everyone else but its still a really boring novel.
  19. agirlinatutu

    Year 11/12 English Texts

    um? you do realise that they do change from year to year? maybe a tad overexcited about the hsc mate. Advanced: Journeys - Maestro. Im actually not sure what Shakespeare. What do you generally do for Journeys? I hope its nothing Iv already done. Ext: Texts and Ways of Thinking with a focus of...
  20. agirlinatutu

    Extension Englsih 1

    Ooh I ditto this question as well. Im like sitting in EE1 and only really udnerstanding half :(