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  1. agirlinatutu

    yeah whats that got to do with me and the rep you gave me tho?

    yeah whats that got to do with me and the rep you gave me tho?
  2. agirlinatutu

    lol nigger lover?

    lol nigger lover?
  3. agirlinatutu

    YR10 Essay Concept - Identity

    I studied a concept last year. Some schools introduce the idea of writing with a concept (journey's, change or whatever) early. It makes makes writing essays in Year 11 slightly easier. OP- I havent read those texts or whatever but have a search around for some past essays that might help you...
  4. agirlinatutu

    assessment tasks, how have you gone?

    lol thanks. they are the marks I wanted but I surprised myself to actually get them
  5. agirlinatutu

    Wireless at Mc Donald

    The internet in the crewroom is painfully slow, so i doubt the wireless would be much quicker.
  6. agirlinatutu

    assessment tasks, how have you gone?

    Ancient 25/25 Legal 10/10 Havent done anything else yet. Maths and Dance tomorrow. English friday
  7. agirlinatutu

    Basic Microsoft Word Questions

    Some of these will depend on what version of word you are using Print layout view is basically exactly that, you get to see a preview of how the document will print out, containing all the elements etc. Basically print preview. Its either under the Office Symbol (2007) or file (2003 and...
  8. agirlinatutu

    UAI estimates

    Atleast 95.5+. Aiming higher though. Im just not entirely sure how realistic that is.
  9. agirlinatutu

    Job Pay

    McD starts at 7.37 then moves up to 7.89 after you've been working there a while. or maybe thats just me. Being under 16 you'll get jack all
  10. agirlinatutu

    Extension 2 dance

    Its easier for them to put down dance then to admit that it isnt the biggest bludge ever
  11. agirlinatutu

    fastest way to get abs?

    yeah thats what i was wondering
  12. agirlinatutu

    Questionnaire on sexualisation of music lyrics/videos

    . Gender: M/F 2. Age: 10-15 16-20 21-25 25+ 3. Do you listen to popular music? Yes/No 4. Do you watch music videos? Yes/No 5. “Shush girl shut your lips, do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.” Do you find these lyrics offensive...
  13. agirlinatutu

    How to pronounce Urubamba Valley, Intihuatana and 2 others

    I have an oral presentation due on Monday, which is finished but I have no idea how to pronounce these words. I meant to ask my teacher on Friday but it was a bit hectic at school. All relating to Peru/Machu Picchu/Inca. Ive youtube'd for my life trying to find an English video where they say...
  14. agirlinatutu

    Year 11 Subject Selection?

    Generally your school will give you an outline of the courses. You could also talk to some students from year 11 and 12 about what they think of the courses at your school
  15. agirlinatutu

    Uai 98+

    I can see where Moenique is coming from, people try to put Dance down all the time and its frustrating, although I dont think the scaling for dance is similar to Visual Arts. Namu is right though the info he has posted. Although I understand why we have scaling it can adversely effect an...
  16. agirlinatutu

    school ranks? + absolute vaules

    we found a year 10'er that knows what hes talking about.
  17. agirlinatutu

    Is there still time to add another extension subject?

    A bit of both. I think to do Ext, especially Ext 2 you need a certain love/liking of English!
  18. agirlinatutu

    What things need to be in a good speech =)

    Confidence and knowing your stuff. ^^ is right. The content of your speech is only a small part, if you present with confidence and knowing your content your definitely on the right track. Engaging your audience is also pretty important.
  19. agirlinatutu

    Guide to selecting your HSC Courses

    Re: How NOT to pick HSC Subjects lol its great advice, yet there will STILL be a million and one threads on this anyway. Good advice though
  20. agirlinatutu

    Year 11 English Area of Study and texts

    Im pretty sure you'll do the same topic for the next three terms.