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  1. iRuler

    Well I wasn't on bos in feb this year, I came back in april/may? after one year off bos

    Well I wasn't on bos in feb this year, I came back in april/may? after one year off bos
  2. iRuler

    I kissed a girl (and I would've liked it, except...

    Interesting. Congratulations.
  3. iRuler

    idk, I dont go around stalking people :/

    idk, I dont go around stalking people :/
  4. iRuler

    Haven't seen your facebook profile, sorry :(

    Haven't seen your facebook profile, sorry :(
  5. iRuler

    The First Kiss

    Townie saw it (confirmed)
  6. iRuler

    Sadly, I dont remember, please jog my memory Mr. Shadow?

    Sadly, I dont remember, please jog my memory Mr. Shadow?
  7. iRuler

    mate, congrats on becoming a man!

    mate, congrats on becoming a man!
  8. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    I think it's not the raw speeds, it's the method which it uses to store edit: overall, in real world use you wont really notice it that much, if you want to save just get the series 3, it's all normal stuff.
  9. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    story of my life
  10. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    the GT seems better, looking at this review: (this is the conclusion page)
  11. iRuler

    thanks for the rep son

    thanks for the rep son
  12. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    You're welcome. G.Skill is good, I have the ripjaws in mine I think (but only 4GB, was about $120 a year ago). You'll love the SSD, best stuff ever!
  13. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    Spinpoint F3 hasn't been in stock for a long time, and the F3 has faster seek times, the WD black has faster read/write times... overall the whole thing is un-noticeable and both are pretty much the same, they're mechanical hard drives, you wont really notice that much even if it is Sata2 or...
  14. iRuler

    I need help with a workout routine

    without any equipment, you can do sit ups, push ups, burpees, just run around etc... there's isn't much more go buy a set of dumbbells and you can do plenty of exercises
  15. iRuler

    is physics hard?

    I found year 11 harder, but I actually tried in year 12
  16. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    vertex 2 is pretty old, I wouldn't get it, and OCZ isn't fully reliable atm, they're having issues, depending on where you're getting it from, just find the cheapest out of those 2 (cheapest per GB) and get that... if you get it from PCCG, then the Corsair Force Series 3 is the cheapest...
  17. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    These 3 are good:
  18. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    you should get an SSD, put your OS and programs you use often, and the games you play most (only those) on the SSD, rest throw it on the HDD, and yes you can access both easily.
  19. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    Just have your SSD (if you get one) as C drive and HDD as D drive, it's not that hard to set up. RAID isn't needed, too much effort (srs)