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  1. iRuler

    And so I turned on my new PC...

    think it might be graphics card
  2. iRuler

    Study tips for uni?

    basically a course summary (yes summary, not book)
  3. iRuler

    Confused yet again

    lol thread, powlmao dont turn into shadow, just ask her out already
  4. iRuler

    Study tips for uni?

    some lecturers are absolute trash and make no sense and put you to sleep, dont bother going if that happens.
  5. iRuler

    Study tips for uni?

    Do your homework, go over lecture before hand - always helpful, and then 2-3 weeks before exams just go over everything again. You can also make notes on lectures/tutes/textbook work, although I've never done this.
  6. iRuler

    Playstation 3

    I got a ps3 last week, only played it for 20 min during the whole week, too much effort
  7. iRuler

    Samsung make tanky phones.

    Mine heats up a bit sometimes, but when it's music + web plus something else (or if it's music + 3G web browsing) it will get hot as fuck
  8. iRuler

    wats ur gym routine

    Bones and well more bones
  9. iRuler

    help about notifications

    Seems to be working for me...?
  10. iRuler

    John Howard, Kevin Rudd or Julia Gillard?

    Howard Best Julia Worst Rudd is also pretty shit
  11. iRuler

    Can you pretty please take me out of your sig?

    Can you pretty please take me out of your sig?
  12. iRuler


  13. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    Off topic but I love those 27" Apple cinema displays Drooooool Gonna get 2 when I get a video editing rig (Mac pro)
  14. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    IPS is better. Better colors, more correct colors, etc...
  15. iRuler

    17.3" High Performance Notebook Medion

    I had a medion desktop, lasted 4.5 yrs My cousin had a medion laptop, lasted him 2.5 yrs (my compaq lasted about 12 months, sadly warranty was also 12 months). So they're reliable but im sure you can find something better.
  16. iRuler

    How do you get 90+ in all subjects??

    Study regularly, revise regularly, do it right.
  17. iRuler

    I kissed a girl (and I would've liked it, except...

    Oh wait, I see what you did there.
  18. iRuler

    I kissed a girl (and I would've liked it, except...

    You've never tried it :p
  19. iRuler

    I kissed a girl (and I would've liked it, except...

    tl;dr shadow will never get laid and only effy can change that
  20. iRuler

    Gaming Computer

    lol 11 year old screens haha I've have 5 monitors lying around, only the Samsung screwed up, rest work (not that I use them anymore), oldest being 10 years.