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  1. Annihilist

    Should Australian troops leave Afghanistan early?

    ...I'm not really sure you understood my point.
  2. Annihilist

    Should Australian troops leave Afghanistan early?

    Is that even remotely possible? They put more funding into their military than any other country, and prioritise it over everything else in the country. It's the United Fucking States. They don't need help.
  3. Annihilist

    Should Australian troops leave Afghanistan early?

    I don't really know very much about the Afghanistan war, but from what I can tell it has been ineffective and unnecessary. We shouldn't have gone there in the first place and it's about time we withdraw our massive global first-world dick out of the affairs of other countries. Having said that...
  4. Annihilist

    Does God exist?

  5. Annihilist

    Does God exist?

    Wait, what? A "non-theistic" God? A God is, by definition, theistic. The definition of "theist" is one who believes in a God, or Gods. I think you might mean a "non-dogmatic God", which I would interpret as being the notion of a general higher power. Correct me if I am wrong. I was not trying...
  6. Annihilist

    Does God exist?

    I have stated in an earlier post my reasoning for this (quoted below). The Bible was written by men, and it is the only "evidence" supplied for the existence of God. But as I said, it is not evidence. "In order to prove the existence of God, one cannot cite the Bible as a reference. The Bible...
  7. Annihilist

    Does God exist?

    Absolutely not. Statements like this are what keep religion alive. This is what gives it the weight it doesn't deserve. "God" is a man made concept. Given that, it is infinitely unlikely that "God" is the correct answer to the problems and uncertainties of the world. If we take the supernatural...
  8. Annihilist

    Does God exist?

    1: Why? Complex things don't need to be created by an intelligent entity. Science has explanations for this. 2: Science doesn't fail to explain. Science is yet to explain. Science is constantly investigating and researching for an answer, instead of dismissing it with a cop-out "God did it"...
  9. Annihilist

    Does God exist?

    Tim Minchin on theories:
  10. Annihilist

    Does God exist?

    It doesn't matter. You take your morals from an archaic work of fiction, and treat the stories as fact or gospel. You label everything as plain right or wrong, and thinking no further. You allow institutions and theology to think for you, eliminating the need to think for yourself and raising a...
  11. Annihilist

    Does God exist?

    Sure, why not
  12. Annihilist

    Australian Politics

    I think Pauline Hanson will take us down the road of nationalism and blind patriotism, and I think that is a dangerous road. I looked up on the One Nation policies a while back and I remember thinking how much it relied on those schools of thought. I don't believe "Australia First" is a...
  13. Annihilist

    Indonesia to ban mini-skirts in anti-porn crackdown UMM WHATTT?!

    Yes, it's true. It may not be deliberate, but over generations Christian values have been influencing the way our society conducts itself. It's more implicit in Australia, but it's there.
  14. Annihilist

    Does God exist?

    Well, no, actually, God only exists in the minds of the people who believe it.
  15. Annihilist

    Pretty Girl on the Train

  16. Annihilist

    Australian Politics

    Lol okay, fair point. I don't like their personalities from what I can tell. Most of them tend to just regurgitate the same shit like every other politician. Predictable, disposable and worthless. I suppose I shouldn't really expect much better, but whatever.
  17. Annihilist

    the guy that i used to like last year lied

    People lie all the time. Always be cynical.
  18. Annihilist

    Chinese immigration real estate property scam

    Is there a limit to how many immigrants we can have? At what point do we have "too many", and why do you get to decide the arbitrary limit? Any why is it a problem anyway? I still don't get that. Sure. But should we be saying that "asian people must have X amount of non-asian friends" or...
  19. Annihilist

    Australian Politics

    I think he was the only really likeable Green. I support most of the Greens policies but the people suck.