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    Why is english compulsory if if has no relevance to the real world (read more below)

    Re: Why is english compulsory if if has no relevance to the real world (read more bel How do you get that one subject is harder than the other when he said that the two are alike?
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    PIP Survey

    "Please note that this survey is designed for adolescents who identify as male."
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    Why is english compulsory if if has no relevance to the real world (read more below)

    Re: Why is english compulsory if if has no relevance to the real world (read more bel I totally agree with this. There are different levels of English for different people anyway, and if you dedicate yourself in any of them, you can do well (regardless of scaling). Being bad at English in high...
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    MY Preliminary Physics Notes Topic 1-2

    Thank you very much!
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    VCE Maths questions help

    Re: maths questions help Yeah, sorry, forgot to put that step in.
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    Australian Maths Competition request!

    Yeah but it wouldn't be legal to share a textbook so I'm not too sure...
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    VCE Maths questions help

    Re: maths questions help y' = 24(x+1)^2 When y'=0, x = -1 y'' = 48(x+1) When y''=0, x = -1 So we can see x = -1 is both a stationary point and a point of inflexion (horizontal p.o.i.) When x = -1, y = -1 Therefore, the stationary point of inflexion occurs at (-1,-1)
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    Australian Maths Competition request!

    I have a few but I'm not sure if it's legal to share them. Could anyone clarify whether it is or not?
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    Bachelor of Education vs Diploma of Education

    So I'm hoping to do either a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Law or a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education (Secondary) at Mq uni. I've been looking around and apparently a Post-grad diploma of education allows you to teach whatever your main degree is. If this is correct, would anyone be...
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    Computer Science with humanities/maths subjects?

    Travel-wise, Macquarie would be preferable (living in regional area) and I would be finishing a bit young to relocate at the end of year 12. Is there anything at Macquarie like this? If not, I reckon I'd be aiming for something like this - double major sounds better than double degree. Thanks...
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    Computer Science with humanities/maths subjects?

    Thanks for the responses. Does anyone know of any uni that would let me do a Bachelor of Science (Maths) with a bachelor of computer science or a way that I could get qualifications in both maths and computer science?
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    Computer Science with humanities/maths subjects?

    Hey, I'm currently in year 11 and I'm doing: 3U maths (accelerated 2U - hoping to pick up 4U in year 12) Advanced English Physics Music 2 Legal Studies Financial Services Cert III Originally I planned to do SDD instead of Physics, but I heard that the teachers at my school weren't the best...
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    HSC Timetable 2017

    Does anyone know what date and time 2U is? EDIT: I'm confused, what's the difference between personalised and the normal timetable?
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    Physical Apps of Calculus Question

    Coroneos 2U Set 17E Q18 (i) A particle is moving along the x-axis. At time t, it is distant x from 0 and moving with velocity v=dx/dt Show that acceleration dv/dt = v(dv/dx) (ii) The acceleration of a body moving in a straight line is proportional to the velocity, i.e. dv/dt = kv, where k is...
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    ATAR estimate

    Does BOSTES consider your internal marks in ATAR calculation or just ranks? Because everyone seems to just put ranks for ATAR estimate...
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    Math Ext 1 Tutor

    I think it depends. If you've got the money go for it but a textbook and youtube can teach you the whole course if you really dedicate yourself, are self motivated and are somewhat alright overall at grasping concepts by yourself. I think it depends on an individual's circumstances though...
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    Paper 1 Section 1

    I have a test coming up for Prelim English Advanced where one of the sections has a similar format to Paper 1 Section 1. What is the best way to prepare/study for this? Thanks
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    Subject Selection Review

    Lol wut, I'm loving it. It's actually interesting