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  1. Amleops

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    Also 3977 recommends having done 2965 beforehand, so it may not be best to do them at the same time.
  2. Amleops

    Math2065 vs math2068

    Early mornings actually work better for me with my work commitments, though I understand it might be a turn off for some haha. I'm just looking at normal stream units now to maximise my final WAM. Only thing I'm not too happy about is missing out on having Cresswell as a lecturer :(.
  3. Amleops

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    If raw marks translate directly into course marks, then yes. Not sure if the Department of Chemistry moderate the marks at all though.
  4. Amleops

    [1105] Data structures?

    They wouldn't let people who haven't done INFO1103 get into INFO1105 if they thought that the course was beyond their capabilities. I'd do both.
  5. Amleops

    Math2065 vs math2068

    Do MATH2068. If it's relevant to your degree then the sooner you have that knowledge, the better. MATH2065 can always be done later on if you have the time, and it is also offered at Summer School as well. Also, next semester MATH2065 has 8am lectures Monday-Thursday if that helps make your...
  6. Amleops

    Same sex marriages

    And that's exactly why this whole debate has been made a much bigger deal than what it should be. Civil unions have the potential to achieve the same outcomes as marriage, and would arguably be easier and less difficult to implement. Yet many people reject them because like you said, they're...
  7. Amleops

    Same sex marriages

    Ah well, here we have another example of a seemingly inoccuous word that has picked up negative connotations. Segregation is merely separation; the setting of certain groups apart. For example, I segregate the winter clothes in my cupboard from the summer clothes, or I segregate the fruit in my...
  8. Amleops

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    Oh yes he does, I've got his quizzes from last year and they were pretty easy. Shame about Florica. She's a really great lecturer, but her assessments are just cruel haha. I hope our marks do get moderated somewhat.
  9. Amleops

    Same sex marriages

    Yes, see that's what I thought people would say. And if that's the case, then it really just boils down to a trivial issue of semantics. Whether you call it a marriage or a union is not really important. They're all the same thing. I see no reason why people should be caught up in that...
  10. Amleops

    Same sex marriages

    So it's a convenience thing. Fair enough. But would it really take that long? Yes there are many changes being made to many different laws, but seeing as they are all achieving the same purpose, surely the Parliament could vote on the amendments as a whole rather than each single amendment...
  11. Amleops

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    This Catalysis and Sustainable Processes? The first part sounds interesting, sustainable processes seems a bit airy fairy though haha.
  12. Amleops

    Same sex marriages

    It's been a bit frustrating having seen this debate being held across so many different places, with so many different people, and yet every time I hear it the arguments on both sides are more or less the same, and largely irrelevant. I have never seen anybody, from either side, sufficiently...
  13. Amleops

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    Not as rekt as me haha. And apparently 2968 is worse. Oh well. I'm hoping to do postgrad law after I graduate next year, so I think I'll drop down to the normal stream to maximise my WAM. Enjoy Algebra though :p. I might go through the course content myself if I have some free time :).
  14. Amleops

    Electives?? All of the Table B units listed here are the only units outside the Arts faculty you are allowed to take.
  15. Amleops

    Same sex marriages

    Extending the rights of couples in civil unions would achieve the same results and antagonise less people. I think that would be the better option.
  16. Amleops

    Better mark principle (math)?

    Oh I've amassed quite a large amount of resources over the years haha.
  17. Amleops

    Better mark principle (math)?

    I have some.
  18. Amleops

    Sydney University to overhaul undergraduate degrees, research

    Not a bad idea. Definitely makes sense from a financial perspective to cut down the number of degrees so more money can go into research. The only undergraduate degrees they really couldn't do without are Arts, Science, Commerce and Education, the rest can be subsumed by those degrees and made...
  19. Amleops

    Semester 1 USYD Chatter Thread

    Introductory French is all done and I'm pretty sure I aced it :). MATH2969 is pretty good. MATH2961 is good too but like Realise said the assessments have been relatively easy so far. MATH2962 is killing me haha. Will do a lot of practice over Stuvac so hopefully my exam results will be...
  20. Amleops

    Union Board Elections

    That seems like a bit of an ad antiquitatem argument. Social traditions have evolved a lot since then, especially at progressive universities like USYD, and I doubt you'll find too many people who are disinclined to vote for somebody just because of their gender. Building on that idea, the...