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  1. notthedevil

    HSC Half Yearlies

    well, for half-yearlies i have 3 in-class essays, 1 in-class test, and 3 hand in assignments. English adv: Richard III essay, currently writing an essay draft, and then I will make some sort of alarm table with quotes and analysis to memorise and write an essay from scratch on the day. I'll do...
  2. notthedevil

    Can anyone help me with my study routine

    Not necessarily print out something, just write your to-do list on any piece of paper or something. It depends on whether you want to do a daily list, weekly list, or both. Trial them out and see which you like better, or if you like them both. Three hours a week per subject isn't too crazy but...
  3. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Wait now I feel like I should be doing more ahhh. Even if I do 3hrs of study a night i still have 2 and a bit hours to just chill. Am I doing something wrong or are people just more pressed for time / want to study all day after school?
  4. notthedevil

    Anyone, please

    Please please please tell someone you trust about this immediately. Suicidal thoughts can be extremely dangerous and people on boredofstudies aren't qualified enough to give you professional help. Tell a year advisor, school counselor, anyone, someone needs to know about this. I know you have...
  5. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Like others have said, definitely cut back study time to a smaller amount so you have more down time. I don't think this will impact on grades too much, as I feel like when you go past more than, i dont know, 3 hours of school work after school on weekdays, the benefits of studying more start to...
  6. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Hey out of curiosity, do you guys have "academic advantage" rules at your school, that is you can't miss school the day before an internal assessment otherwise you will get zero on it (because they assume you would just prepare all day before)?
  7. notthedevil

    Tips for distance ed / self teaching ???

    Okay, I did Chinese Beginners by distance ed in Year 11 (and I study French now non-distance) and for me, it was actually a really good system. However, that was because I studied Chinese 5 days a week on my own after distance ed lessons for at least 40+ minutes each time. For me it was just...
  8. notthedevil

    How much does extra knowledge improve your marks in an essay

    Yes it definitely does, but you have to make sure it links to an area of the syllabus fairly explicitly. If it's unrelated material out of the scope of the syllabus then there's not much point of including it (unless it's contextual information which supports main material).
  9. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Damn. Well at least I'm not alone with this stuff haha.
  10. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Okay guys, I've been having issues with my school's english faculty, but I'm also not sure if this is normal within schools. I got my Extension 2 English proposal back and I only got 80% (rank 2/2 :( ), even though i handed in a draft for it a week before submission, hoping i could reach 95%+...
  11. notthedevil

    Swapping Subjects?

    For our school we had a five week trial period at the start of term 1 where if we didn't like a subject, we would just move at any time during that period into another subject.
  12. notthedevil

    Unnecessary worry and stress..

    As the term goes on, you will get more and more resources and thus your amount of study time will go up and become more efficient. for the first few weeks, focus on nailing the concepts which your available resources cover. Also, to combat the issue of sitting around aimlessly and not getting...
  13. notthedevil

    Why do LOTE Subjects scale down?

    Hey, I did Chinese beginners in Year 11 and scored 95+ for Year 11 overall mark (but dropped in Year 12 so I could pick up extra units) so I might be able to help. People seem to discourage the study of HSC languages because they think they're too hard to maintain and do well in. I actually...
  14. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Yeah the same sort of thing happened to me in Term 1 of Year 11 when I worked about 11 hours a week (through exam period as well), and I got most of my results in the 90s except English during that time. The only reason I quit was because I was so close to burning out (I would sometimes work...
  15. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Hey, just wondering if any of you guys are working part time during this HSC year (or have worked part time)? I'm trying to get a job so I can be more critical with how I use my time. Don't think anyone is hiring though tbh :/
  16. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Been really good, just alternating between school work, chilling out, and hanging out with friends. Nervous for start of school as I get all of my Term 4 assessment results back, but I feel pretty okay about getting back into a steady flow of school work.
  17. notthedevil

    How many hours should I be studying?

    You're timetable seems pretty good and it's good that you're factoring in breaks and sleep like that! It depends on what your short and long term goals are, but I feel like if you were to keep that timetable up and you made sure you were studying effectively, then you would probably be hitting...
  18. notthedevil

    Case study notes VS Non-case study notes

    Hi, for anyone who has done geography, would you say that studying the case study notes is more beneficial for the Trials and HSC exam compared to the general notes, to the point where I should put studying my case studies as top priority? (e.g. is it crucial that i study the 'ecosystems and...
  19. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    On school days I usually get about 7-8 hours (sleep from 11pm to 7am, or 10;30pm to 6;30am for eng ext 1), and 8-9 hours of sleep on weekends / school holidays.
  20. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Hey guys, I've been seeing a few conflicting opinions on the whole idea of whether to study during these summer holidays. Lately I've been doing about 6.5 hours of school work each day (dedicating at least 2 hours for my visual arts major work, 1 hour for EE2 major work, and then writing notes...