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  1. notthedevil

    Trials Marks/Reflection Thread

    Got paper 1 back, feeling pretty awful tbh: Short answers: 14/15 Creative: 15/15 Essay: 11/15 :mad: I get paper 2 on friday and I'm legit freaking out that what i did in my discovery essay is the same thing i did throughout paper 2. Legit can feel my rank falling into the abyss. Someone...
  2. notthedevil

    Subjects and hsc

    You would have to provide some more quantitative stuff, like your marks, ranks, and your school rank too probably, for anyone to make a correct judgement on your situation. There are still externals left, worth 50%, and I would really just recommend trying your hardest to smash those out...
  3. notthedevil

    Help for Essays for National Study and Conflict?

    I'm not sure really how to consistently write really good modern history essays worth 25 marks. I did the same strategy for national study and international study of peace/conflict, but my results for each were pretty different. We have PEEL (point, example, effect, link) but I don't really do...
  4. notthedevil

    Should I take a break after trials?

    Yeah, I'd take a break. My trials end 25 aug, so after that I'm planning to stop studying for like 4 days and do other things lol. After that will be HSC prep almost everyday though.
  5. notthedevil

    Difference between internal and HSC results

    Was the 88 on your school report, or like was it your assessment mark?
  6. notthedevil

    Difference between internal and HSC results

    Just out of curiosity bc it would vary a lot between schools, for people who have finished HSC, was there a big difference between your internal school mark in a subject (the one you get on your school report) compared to your HSC result for that subject?
  7. notthedevil

    Bouncing back from trials

    Yes I know, its just one person that's quite close to me in terms of relative gaps and whatever (by like 1-2%), that's why I'm worried
  8. notthedevil

    Bouncing back from trials

    Just bombed Visual Arts trial today, pretty stressed about it :/ I keep seeing these articles about people bouncing back from Trial marks and ending up with amazing ATARs, but this doesn't really seem that plausible for me. I mean you see these people from like Art of Smart (godawful website...
  9. notthedevil

    Hello my fellow HSC'ers

    Arts/Law either at Monash or USYD
  10. notthedevil

    Cohort affecting my marks???

    In French Continuers, I'm currently ranked 2nd out of 4 students, but the gap between me and first is around 2 percent. In terms of overall internal marks, basically it goes: Student rank 1: 93% Student rank 2 (me): 91% Student rank 3: around 77% Student rank 4: around 65% Could this...
  11. notthedevil

    Deactivating/Deleting social media to study for HSC

    Has anyone done this and if so, did it work well? Ironically enough, I'm procrastinating way more than I used to just bc I'm so tired of school and just sleepy in general lmao. Just thinking if I cut myself off from sources of procrastination, it will keep my mind more school-oriented and...
  12. notthedevil

    Structuring Essays

    Would this be a valid way/structure for answering the essay section of the exam for Extension 1 (this is for genre btw)? Disclaimer: I dont want to integrate my texts (writing on multiple texts in one paragraph) as its too difficult for me and my marks are fine without it. - Intro -...
  13. notthedevil

    skills needed for LAT

    Is there any indicator that you can look at to know whether you'll do well in the LAT? Like, does doing well in English Advanced or Modern History tell you anything about LAT performance, or is it just a completely different way of writing for LAT?
  14. notthedevil

    Electing VA As A HSC Subject

    In terms of theory, no. All the theory and exam skills you need to know are learned in Year 11 and 12. I don't know about your artmaking/practical skills, it would be worthwhile thinking about the mediums that you work in best. You get good opportunities to experiment with different mediums in...
  15. notthedevil

    How early should i be studying for the HSC? Can be too early?

    Probably not, just cause there's so much content covered in each subject. Earlier you start the better I think
  16. notthedevil

    Are the Macquarie revision guides any good?

    Surprisingly yes. I'm using it for Geo at the moment and it's been great. I'd recommend using them along with another source to make study notes for, just for extra depth bc they can still be a bit broad.
  17. notthedevil

    The AMOUNT of time creative pieces should explore

    I have a problem where I write creative pieces and they explore too many events in too little detail. What amount of time, or how many significant setting changes, should an EE1 creative contain/explore, so that it doesn't become too cluttered with random events?
  18. notthedevil

    What's more important: the uni itself or the city it's located

    I'm in a unique situation where I live a 3 hour drive away from Melbourne and 6 hours from Sydney, meaning that I will have to move regardless of where I choose to go to uni. I'm really unsure however if I should be considering the university course itself more than the city that the uni is...
  19. notthedevil

    99 atar?

    Hey guys I know I've posted something similar before, but I still don't really know if I've put in enough effort so far to get results that would get me to a 99 ATAR. Basically I don't really know if I'm in a good position, or if its possible to get a 99 with these results so far. I'm in a...
  20. notthedevil

    2018ers Chit-Chat Thread

    All good :) I'm not like an expert or anything, but I know when people have mental illness like depression or anxiety, it suppresses the creation of hormones like dopamine and another one that I forget, but basically without a good amount of these hormones, your frontal lobe (aka. the part of...