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  1. Librah

    USYD Chatter Thread

    I know people that live on campus and still don't go to those lol
  2. Librah

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Any1 done CHEM2915 can gimme some pointers on how to maximise marks for lab reports/SSP assignments, greatly appreciate it
  3. Librah

    USYD Chatter Thread

    He's from UNSW.
  4. Librah

    USYD Chatter Thread

    yeah welcome to science
  5. Librah

    USYD Chatter Thread

    fwarrrr got rekt'd lmao
  6. Librah

    SMH article on HECS vs upfront

    Nah, aint no one got money like that
  7. Librah

    Medical science usyd or advanced science unsw for post grad med or undergrad transfer

    Re: Medical science usyd or advanced science unsw for post grad med or undergrad tran What do you mean?
  8. Librah

    Medical science usyd or advanced science unsw for post grad med or undergrad transfer

    Re: Medical science usyd or advanced science unsw for post grad med or undergrad tran If your looking to maximise your WAM/GPA, i'd go with adv sci at UNSW, in general it's much easier to get a higher grade at UNSW than at USYD...
  9. Librah

    SMH article: offers below cutoff

    lol so fail, was wondering why there was a "above cut off" but no stat for between just below cut off and 10 under
  10. Librah

    SMH article: offers below cutoff

    Under 10 points seems a bit extreme lol Also doesn't "under 20" fall under the "under 10" category?
  11. Librah

    Enrolment help for Advanced Science

    Yeah, 6 CP each. So 12 in all.
  12. Librah

    Enrolment help for Advanced Science

    12 CP junior math is compulsory for any science degree Your units will probably look something like this, (X is a placeholder depending on advanced/regular/fundies stream) Semester 1- CHEM1X01 or CHEM1903(SSP) BIOL1XX1 and/or BIOL1XX3 or SSP MATH1X02 or SSP/fundies MATH1X01 or SSP/fundies...
  13. Librah

    Bachelor of Advanced Science Enrolment HELP!!

    It's up to you really, I don't think you'd be disadvantaged all that much from not taking a first year unit unless you needed it as a pre-req for 2nd sem/2nd year onwards.
  14. Librah

    Bachelor of Advanced Science Enrolment HELP!!

    For science you need 12 CP of math units, so your kind of limited in your choosing. You have to do diff calc/linear algebra in 1st semester and 2 of math1004/math1003/math1005 (or advanced versions) in the second semester. If your doing fundamentals, you have to do all 4 math units they offer...
  15. Librah

    University of Sydney Roll Call 2016

    Bachelor of Science (Advanced)- 2nd year. Majoring Chemistry/Physics.
  16. Librah

    Anyone else doing advanced Science? Insight needed!

    Just your junior first semester units. So 5 subjects including 2 3 Credit point math units. You probably won't be allowed to select anything further than this since there are prerequisites for most other units.
  17. Librah

    HSC 2016 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon - Advanced Level Prove there can be no positive integers a,b,c for n>2 that can satisfy the equation a^n+b^n=c^n. Popular question in many past papers.
  18. Librah

    Functional Equation

    Yeah so me, Realisenothing and 2 friends were taking the piss out of Shadowdude yesterday lol.
  19. Librah

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    PHYS1500-Astronomy Ease - 7/10 There's a lot of content to remember and most of the concepts aren't too difficult to understand, except a few things that are just really confusing if you made an attempt to learn the mechanisms. The 2 hour computer labs are reasonably easy, the manual will guide...