Im interested in doing Med Sci at UTS, describe any fun extra curic activites the uni offers ( camps,parties, social gatherings).
Is it easy to make friends?
Does every science student get one of those UTS: Faculty of science coats?
I just did the CSSA, chemistry paper and I found that using dotpoints for CERTAIN questions is much more productive then writing a sentenced response.
The question was Identify the conditions under which fermentation of sugars occurs, I simply put:
* Anaroebic environment
* Temperature of...
For the acid model, say you did HCL
This goes HCL--> H+ + Cl-, the mole ratio is still 1:1:1, so the bars should be the same size, not half the original, I think..
either way I screwed that one up.
And how the hell do I change my stupid avatar?
Q25 , was basically the same as the cell from the CSSA paper, instead of CL gas they used hydrogen for our trial, BOS says the cathode is platinum and that the equation they use for the CL half...
What was the cathode wasnt it the platinum? and the hydrogen was reduced?
You know the isotopes question, remeber how it said, name the possible isotopes ( notice the plural), does that mean, if I named both the isotopes with the 14 day half life I can still get the 2 marks?
Good, so I am not the only one. Who started light. So I should increase the weight of my bench press by 5 kilos in a few months.
Im not sure if I was doing 10 or 20, ill ask tonight. I didnt put the weights on.
And omie by diet you mean, high protein?
I use the cable attachment for the curls, so you use the rope head.
I hate bench pressing, but I got to do it, and at the same time lose all my respect.
When u started benc pressing what was your first weight?
3 x 15 rowing - 50kg with narrow handle
3 x 15 rowing- 50kg with wide hande
3 x 15 50kilo lat pulldown
3 x 15 50 kilo lat pulldown narrow handle
3 x 15 reverse fly 20 kilo
3 x 15 chest fly machine 50 kilo
3 x 15 machine chest press 50 kilo
1 x 15 bench press 20 kilo or 10 and almost died ( lol...
Sorry my mistake, I think I was overly paranoid, I covered it all up, its gone, it was just really messy and straight so it was the way t he hair parted.