Not sure where to put this but anyways has anyone tried studying whilst drinking caffeine and other caffeine products like red bull or v? Is it worth drinking a can and having a late night study session?
I was just wondering has anyone done the personal training course offered by the Australian Institute of Fitness which gives you the Certificate III and IV once your done? Is their course any good?
Hey guys I reinstalld Windows XP on my laptop and now my wireless internet doesnt work when it has in the past. Basically when I go to view the status of my wireless net I can send bytes but I get 0 bytes received. It says I'm connected to the network but I can't actually surf and connect to the...
How does the self-catered colleges work? Is there a shared kitchen which everyone uses? Can you cook at anytime or is there a specified cooking time? Also for the residential colleges do you have to share toilets and bathrooms with people or is it one bathroom and toilet per room?
I was just wondering what kind of reputation does Macquarie have? Do year 12 leavers see this uni as one of the better ones in Sydney or is Macquarie kind of looked down upon?
Here in Perth, University of WA is seen as the best uni in Perth and getting into other unis in Perth such as Curtin is...
Lol thats exactly what I do. I dont bother saying Actuarial Studies coz I know they'll ask me what that is so I just say I want to do Engineering.
Same I'm hoping I get into Macquarie. Do you think it will be easier getting a place for next year as compared to previous years? Im from Perth and...
Is Canberra as boring as what people make it to be?? Everyone here in the west reckons the lifestyle in Canberra is as boring as Perth is and is the reason why many people from Perth don't apply to ANU. Will it be worth giving up Perth to go to Canberra?
Im very interested at studying Actuarial...
I plan to study Actuarial Studies at either ANU, Macquarie, UNSW or University of Melbourne. I was just wondering what is the best uni to study Actuarial Studies is? Could you give me your opinion of your rankings of these 4 unis in terms of Actuarial Studies from best to worst?