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  • Wow, such a nice and bored person! hahaha

    But yeaah BOS is the best place to pro-crastinate. You somewhat convince yourself that your going here for 'educational pusposes' LOL.

    So what you studying/doing now-a-days?
    Yeah man ty :).. hope law goes well for you also or you get into another path that satifies you!!..

    This will probably be my last comment for b.o.s haha :).. i'll be back after exams are finished (28th of october), gotta really study harder now. I've been lazy after trials, studying has reduced significantly then. I got a good 35-45 days left to study hard and get myself into band 5/6 position for all my subjects.

    Thank you, i'll make sure i get into MQ law! Will let everyone know of my performance/marks and hopefully repay the b.o.s community back!! See you after HSC!!
    ohh yeaah you did. I had that Person A, Person B, Person C thread. But i deleted it, because Person A didnt want their ranks up HAHAHA :)

    Nahh, but its really nice of you to be doing such a thing. LOL, but why you dedicating so much of your time to ATAR estimations!
    Yeah true :), MQ is very convenient for me in terms of location (since its 15min drive), i go there to study often and the ambience is very good :).....

    However like most people i have to make my own justification on the uni, once i get into the course :).

    Cheers enoil!! good luck, thanks alot for the help!!
    just so i can compare with myself

    what ranks did you get (if u dont mind me asking) - including school rank :)
    I see hahah, myself I never had interest in the science/medical field its just boring and unappealing to me :). I heard medical science is difficult cos yeah everyone who didn't get the umat/atar is doing it so must be intense competition, i know couple people who got low 99's doing med. sc. so rofl it would be crazy....

    More business/law side for myself, I'll probs do comm/law but im not sure which major to do for commerce, however i don't want to work in the courts. Working for banks/business sectors would be brilliant but im not sure if my additional law degree would help :(... However im pretty sure MQ is my uni though to go, i went to all the unis and MQ suited me best XDD
    I see, why didn't you do medical science or anything related to the medicine/healthy industry then initially??

    However, i've just heard this from people i know who go USYD AND UNSW, yeah so i'll just ignore their irrelevant information. WOW, but im disadvantaged since i got no achievements, no extra activities and nothing for my resume lol.. Im not even academically superior =.=.... so looks like my chances for the future are lower.. However i don't intend to work for the law firms , probably pursuing a career in the government.
    Im hopefully aiming for D and HD'S as i need a good employment prospect for the future, as employers would probs prefer USYD, UTS, UNSW or ANU graduates (prestige). But yeah im just hoping law is not going be another 3-5 years of my life, studying hard non stop because that would suck :(. But i got passion for it XD .

    Btw why don't you like law?? are you going to transfer courses??

    T.T dude was so close from coming 1st in 3 subjects, just missed out on 1-3 marks for each subject............ I don't think this will impact significantly on my ATAR but sux =.=

    Im just wondering how hard is the workload of doing LAW in 1st year in comparison to the HSC?? and will i be disadvantaged not have doing legal studies/advanced english.
    But i would have a possibly right for band 6 for english since im rank 2/70 and pretty close to 1st. but the chances look very low though :(.. but i guess its based on external performance.

    ty btw
    wow standard 0.18% for band 6 -.- that is terribly shocking btw..

    BTW what is the term 'dux' mean?? i know its first or something in all your subjects
    But i see my 44/100 for internal is a bit shocking and rank 15/30 , im not sure even if its possible to get a band 5 for maths. (alot of people have been telling me ). Im most sure that i will get band 6's elsewhere if i continually maintain myself till hsc.

    ty btw :)
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