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  • est please for friend

    subject rank exam result CSSA TRIALS
    Chemistry 3/18................ 70/100
    advanced maths 2/45....... 98/120
    advanced english 21/69.... 65/105
    SOR:2unit 5/41............... 77/100
    Physics 1/20................... 70/100
    school rank:350-400

    Hey, I'm new to all this but you seem to be quite good at estimating an ATAR, so I was wondering if you could give me a hand?

    My raw marks are:

    Adv English - Ranking 2/90 and getting 92%
    Extension 1 English - Ranking 3/22 and getting 93%
    Drama - Ranking 1/18 and getting 96%
    Art - Ranking 1/36 and getting 92%
    Modern History - Ranking 5/30 and getting 90%
    Economics - Ranking 3/20 and getting 90%

    My school rank is normally within the top 15. They are hoping our year ranks about 8th.

    Thanks a heap man!
    estimate please

    subject rank exam result CSSA TRIALS
    Chemistry 3/18 70/100
    advanced maths 2/45 90/120
    advanced english 25/69 65/105
    SOR:2unit 6/41 75/100
    Physics 1/20 70/100

    school rank: 300-350
    hey can I send you my SOR essay and can you proof read it for me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    That's good!!

    Sigh... I have exams in 6 days >.<... business, english and english!!!!!!!! argggg... hate life atm t.t.....
    Hey enoil.. how's uni and etc??

    This period is so stressful atm =.=............ i wish the HSC was over asap!!!!
    hey enoilgam!
    michaeljennings said you were the king in atar estimates :)

    quick question:
    I go to a rank ~100 school
    I accelerated last year Business Studies and got 92

    My rankings are:
    Advanced English: 26/81
    Chemistry: 14/43
    Maths 3U:17/63
    Maths 4U:12/33

    Edit;and my raw marks are in the HSC exams average:
    mid 60's in Adv English ( out of 105)
    low-mid 70's in Chem (out of 100)
    low-mid 60's in Maths 3U (out of 84)
    low-mid 70's in Maths 4U (out of 120)

    can you please tell me what im looking at and what are the scaled marks?
    thank you ♥
    subject... overall rank... new exam result (percentage) CSSA TRIALS
    English advanced....21/69......62%
    Maths advanced.....2/40.......82%
    Maths extension.....7/12.......28/50

    new school rank: 400

    thank you.
    Hey :) I know this is really random of me, but since you've done the whole hsc thing, I was just wondering if you'd be able just to scheme over my short story and perhaps give me a few tips on it? I understand you might not be an expert on this but you seem to be very knowledgeable lol and i honestly have no idea what markers are looking for in short stories! I got 10/15 for my last one and i actually lost marks because the story plot was a bit cliche so i re-started the whole thing. Please read it if it's possible? If you dont have time then it's understandable, thank anyway :)
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