ReallllHas anyone else lost all motivation during prelims? I lost motivation in the MIDDLE of my english exam
After 3 hours of continuous writing I literally was not bothered writing anymore. I wrote 3 pages for the poetry section when the minimum should've been 4. I had time to write, as well as some analysis, but i could not be bothered so I just read over my SAC section in the remaining 15 minutes.
I don't know why but I cannot bring myself to do anything but sleep, and I've been bombing everything. I have SoR tmr can and I cannot be assed to study any further. Im worried because it's only the first week and I have 5 more exams. Is anyone else feeling so burnt out?
Idk these last two terms I've just felt burnt out - doesn't help that my sleep is completely out of wack too because of exams (nah post exam naps go crazy)