Chris Reason

Still complete darkness at the Lindt Cafe, but you can just make out the black extremist flag being held up in the window
8:35 PM - 15 Dec 2014
NSW Police Commissioner sums up the position of the police:
We will not speculate on motive
We will not discuss anything regarding who is in the building or how many people are in the building
We will not disclose how the people who left the cafe were able to leave
The means by which we have contact with the gunman will not be revealed
"First and foremost we are going to make sure we do nothing that will jeopardize those in the building."
"I want to praise Sydneysiders for what they've done today."
"We are at this moment only dealing with one location."
"We want people to remain calm."
"We are working with community leaders to ensure everyone is kept safe."
If you see something suspicious, contact authorities immediately. You may use 000 to do so.
I'll be on a break till around 9pm. Guys keep refreshing news outlets/posting pls