I'm not trying to sound cocky or anything, but I know for a fact that the teachers who marked our trials are HSC markers and marked according to HSC standards. The only reason I'm that confident is that I ended up clearing the rest of the pack by a bit (~5 marks) and I felt like I was doing crappy in the exams, and ended up getting 36/45 + 59/60, but during the HSC I was feeling super confident because the questions fit well with what I knew. For both sections.
Either way, I was only asking whether or not a raw mark like that would get a band 6.
Sorry if I came off like I was attacking you, but I'm only going off what I've heard.
My teachers are HSC markers too and they said that they marked at a HSC level or maybe a bit above.
For my trials I received 41/45 + 56/60 and cleared the pack by 10 marks in total.
Just to be clear though, so I don't sound like I'm boasting, I felt a tiny bit uncertain that I could get 95+/105 in the HSC because I've heard that they mark harshly.
When I compare my teachers marking and the rumours of how hard the HSC is marked, it made me feel as if I'd gotten a tiny bit ahead of myself.
So, that being said, I can't be certain that an essay which got 20/20 in the trials will necessarily even crack a 19/20 for the HSC. Lets hope it does though.
Good luck