As an only child in a single parent family, I cannot beleive the passion you people have towards gay IVF rights. I have first-handedly experienced the inability of my father to provide a motherly balance in the care he has taken of me. I was only 2 when my mother left, and don't even remember her. Even though I know my mother is out there I feel as though a part of me is missing from growing up without her, and I am all the worse for it. Now, I don't see how two same sex people can provide this mother-father balance, and I don't see the right of anybody to put any child into that vulnerable position. Many of the problem I have today, my insecurities, I feel are directly related to this mother-father balance that I have been speaking about which a homosexual couple cannot provide for any child.
So you wish that you were never born? Or just that you didnt have a very good childhood? The fact is that even though he is your parent, he can only do as much as he could do, not because he is male, but because of his personality, im guessing also having to support the family- limiting his time he could spend with you. With only one person raising a child it is hard, and you're lucky you didn't have any siblings.
Everyone would have to go through the same procedures to get the ok for IVF treatment. This is put in pace to ensure the child is raised in loving family.
Also, what are these insecurities, and how are they related to you being brought up by your father. How would it have been any different if your mother was there, or if you were brought up by a same-sex couple?
I'm sorry for being so harsh, but i too know what it is like being brought up in a single-parent family, especially when my we moved 4 hours away from my mum while i was still in year 4.
I feel your pain. I grew up without a father, and it's screwed me up. It's very painful knowing your different from anyone else at school. I could only imagine, what it would be like for a child to grow up with two mothers, i mean, the bullying, the torment, mental anguish, and what about that awkward conversation that's going to happen, where they're going to have to explain the birds, the bees, and the fact that they're homosexual. Right now, i don't mind gay marriages, as it isn't hurting anybody. but bringing someone up like this is just....wrong. I think these couples are only doing this as a symbol that they're gay, and proud, without thinking properly about how the child will be affected. i hate that.
If you had read the whole of the thread, you would have found some answers.
It is easy to say that they would be bullied, ignoring the fact that it is others who are bullying them, because they view having two mothers or two fathers as strange. It is sending out the message that if someone is being picked on, then the person must have something wrong and they should be fixed- instead of dealing with the bully.
Birds and the Bees isnt really awkward, except talking about that stuff with your parents. Most of the stuff is learned in school anyway, saving the parents the awkward silences and using "where do i come from?" as a guide.
If couples are having IVF treatment just to show that they are proud and are not actually thinking of the child, then i agree with you, they shouldnt have children at all. Children aren't toys. Though this is a gross generalisation.
One person would be able to have a child bar an illness. The other can't because it is impossible to do naturally. IVF should only be used as a method for those who previously would have been able to.
It isnt impossible to do it naturally, its actually very possible. Though that would mean having to have sexual intercourse with another person.