Lately I've been doing this:
Monday (heavy day)
Squat: Ramping weight to top set of 5 (which should equal the previous Friday's heavy triple)
Bench: Ramping weight to top set of 5 (which should equal the previous Friday's heavy triple)
Bent Row: Ramping weight to top set of 5 (which should equal the previous Friday's heavy triple)
**Weighted crunches 4x15**
Tuesday (light day)
Squat: 4x5 First 3 sets are the same as Monday, the 4th set is repeating the 3rd set again
Overhead press: 4x5 Ramping weight to top set of 5
Deadlifts: 4x5 Ramping weight to top set of 5
**Weighted crunches 4x15**
Friday (medium day)
Squat: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8 First 4 sets are the same as Monday's, the triple is 2.5% above Monday's top set of 5, using the weight from the 3rd set for a final set of 8
Bench: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8 First 4 sets are the same as Monday's, the triple is 2.5% above Monday's top set of 5, using the weight from the 3rd set for a final set of 8
Bent row: 4x5, 1x3, 1x8 First 4 sets are the same as Monday's, the triple is 2.5% above Monday's top set of 5, using the weight from the 3rd set for a final set of 8
**Close grip bench press 3x8**
**Barbell curl 3x8**
This is short term until a few books arrive, if I keep to it I'll probably add more tricep work and replace wednesday's squats with front squats.