You see, I currently use an iPod 5th Gen, but have always liked Microsoft more than Apple (You know, everything about compatibility issues now). Since the very first news I received about the Zune, I thought; Finally! A real "WinPod"! ...Don't get me wrong, I think the iPod is great, but... like I mentioned, it's all about compatibility. When I looked for further information about the Zune, I realised how crap it is. For one, it has got way too many copyright laws. It's nice to know that digital audio players are graduately developing the network function (Zune's built-in WiFi), but hey what's the point of using some fancy wireless connection to send to another Zune a track that expires in 3 days/playbacks? And the screen. It's sure bigger (in physical size) than the one of iPod 5Gen's but again, its pointless for the exact pixel dimensions.
p.s. i also think the Zune is kinda fat for its memory capacity...