katie tully said:
i wish i was just smart. if there is a way to do that without being asian ..
No I think there's a strong genetic component.
" Tests show an IQ deficit, not just for Africans relative to Europeans, but for Europeans relative to Asians.
Among white Americans, the average IQ, as of a decade or so ago, was 103.
Among Asian-Americans, it was 106.
Among Jewish Americans, it was 113.
Among Latino Americans, it was 89.
Among African-Americans, it was 85.
Around the world, studies find the same general pattern:
whites 100
East Asians 106
sub-Sarahan Africans 70
Hong Kong 113
Japan 110
Britain 100 ( must be the alcohol)
White populations in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States score closer to one another than to the worldwide black average.
It's been that way for at least a century "