Well I cannot get it either. I am probably missing something very simple though. Looking at its graph though, and using newtons method, the solutions seem to be not exact i.e. not simple fractions with pi's. You will have to wait until a smarter person comes around.
thanks for the effort anyways but i finally got it.. quite simple, think we were just over looking simple factorisation
here's the solution if your interested
2sinxtanx - tanx + 2sinx - 1 = 0
tanx(2sinx - 1) + 2sinx - 1 = 0
(2sinx - 1)(tanx + 1) = 0
2sinx - 1 = 0 or tanx + 1 = 0
then you just solve from there to get x = 0, 60, 180, 300, 360