So make one dot point your title and just make notes on it?
Essentially, the dot points will be like 'titles' or 'subheadings' and you make notes to answer that dot point. Make sure you pay particular attention to the verb of the dot point, i.e. 'evaluate', 'analyse', 'outline', the verb will indicate how detail your notes should be for that dot point. There is a glossary of key exam verbs and definitions on the board of studies website to assist you in the interpretation of these verbs. Make sure you are making CONCISE, COMPLETE AND COHERENT notes, there is no point in writing all you know about the subject because you will spend unnecessary time memorising and understanding the unimportant stuff along with the important stuff. Practice makes perfect. It is just the start that is difficult, once you get started, you will get used to it and become better at it over time