I want to start writing out my notes for chemistry but I have an issue
at school we are learning the syllabus in a weird order
we started with module 2 of our optional topic (industrial chemistry) with 2 dot points from another topic
now we are going back and doing 9.5 the acidic environment
and my teacher's teaching style seems really disorganised and messy which kinda confuses me.
for bio I just write my notes according the dot points but in chem we are all over the place and I don;t know what to do

at school we are learning the syllabus in a weird order
we started with module 2 of our optional topic (industrial chemistry) with 2 dot points from another topic
now we are going back and doing 9.5 the acidic environment
and my teacher's teaching style seems really disorganised and messy which kinda confuses me.
for bio I just write my notes according the dot points but in chem we are all over the place and I don;t know what to do