Re: Structuring Modern History Essays
modern history aye.
tis an interesting topic - so depending on what options you do will depend on how well you go.
ie: im really really enjoying studying Germany between the wars and the personality of Albert Speer.
whereas my mate who go to a diff school is studing some japanese guy and hates it, even though he is topping his class.
mod hist is actually enjoyable, rather than the year 9-10 course - so thats good.
the basic structure of any essay is to:
a) know what your gonna talk about
b) give your perspective on it
so with a, it is obvious to learn the topic. so you know the main events, and the results of what happened from those events. when you have learnt this, you MUST look at what historians have said about it.
i know, looking at what some old fogey thinks would just corrupt you thinking, but it also will score you about 10 extra marks if quote them correctly.
so when you say your opinion, base it on the results of what events had occured, and if you can get a historian to back you up as well - then it can only make you look good.
always know what your opinion is before you start - so you have your conclusion first. then get a list of events - and relate it back to the essay question and your opinion. then write the introduction.
then basic stuff: list the events with the really good ones first and not so good events that take up space at the end. try to use big and long words when writing it. if its a home essay use micro word - rightclick synonyms is a god send

changes "this randoms perspective on this event"to
highly credited english historian A.J.P Taylor answered this when questioned on the event
but there are many different ways - but yeah, good luck. i hope you liked it as much as me