Originally posted by Chocoholic_Gal
lmao...wow u know the storyline, um...really well, lol!
LOL yeah, I've been watching since 1999.
Well, a friend was talking about it and I wanted to see what all the who-ha was about
I've missed some 'important' bits but I guess I know it fairly well within the past few year(s), I can clearly remember from the time Amber came to babysit though, but I preferred Erica as the babysitter, mmm yeah!
(btw, guys watch it to perve obviously...
Yep, massimo wants steph, but they had a child together (as you already know, ridge). yep, tony is the AIDs guy with kristen, lol. that's right, he was the fashion designer for spectra and they got together (even though she is a forrester, in competition). so they had their own kind of intercourse LOL.
I don't pay attention to the young and the restless, or days of our lives, it must be the off-colouring and cheap acting, LOL. but i like b&b, i dont know why (must be bridget... Mmm!!). hahah yeah i like it when they state the obvious, "Oh... my ... god... this is the letter that no one is supposed to know about... this can't get into the hands of _____ or else..."
1 month later, they find out