People, in general, are stupid, regardless of their sex.
And, I don't see you putting forth any evidence (I accept the HCS scores, but the very face that 7 girls DID get a hsc of 100, seems to provide evidence that there are intelligent girls in the world, even if there were less 100's than their male counterparts. Might just be saying something about NSW

There are no lists of all the OP 1's in QLD, so I can't give you more evidence.
And, if you are a female, and you are saying that girls are stupid, that means you are then saying that you are stupid yourself, and that your opinions are not worth thinking about, or taking seriously.
Ah, contradictions are fun.
But, sure, supposedly males do achieve more in extremes. IE, they are more likely to either get very high or very low... making them average out probably lower than females.
Male Versus Female Intelligence: Does Gender Matter? ; Seattle Washington WA
Sure, there are more male genius', but where's your evidence that states that all females, bar a few are stupid?
PS: I will hunt you down and continue this argument with you next month during O-week, scaredytiger