1. Why don't I drink: Because I don't need it to have a good time, I don't like the smell, the taste, or what prolonged effects can have. It's a huge turnoff smelling alcohol on a guy's breath.
2. Why don't I do drugs: Because I don't need to harm myself, whether it has short term or long term negative or positive effects to make me feel better, have fun, or for any other reason any other person would. I'm not someone who falls victim to peer pressure when it comes to these three notorious groups.
3. Why don't I smoke: Because I was born in a time where we are educated about the health risks, therefore I do not see a plausible reason for me to take it up, especially knowing how additive it can turn out to be. I don't think it looks cool.
Basically, they just don't float my boat. I may drink a bit of wine, but only at very special events such as weddings, memorable birthdays (18, 21) or NYE. Otherwise, it just doesn't interest me.

; There's no appeal.