Tashxx said:
Yeah my friends and I are going to Port Macquarie and were staying at the Lighthouse Beach Holiday Villiage
Seriously, try and get out of it ASAP! The Lighthouse Beach Holiday Villiage is ages away from town and in the middle of no-where. The only 2 things it is close too are the TPT and Lighthouse Beach...ohh...and the camel rides.
S_Luke - In the last month, I have had 3 friends who have had their drinks spiked in the macca and Roxy's...it doesn't just happen in Queensland.
1. The Hastings has a 9% youth rate. Most of our population are over 60. This means they're angry, aggressive and bad drivers. STAY OUT OF THEIR WAY!
2. Settlement City (Setto) and Port Central are the 2 biggest shopping centres. For those staying at Sundowners, Port Central is the go. Both have food courts and heaps of shops.
3. For some night life, go to Roxy's Nightclub and The Macquarie Hotel (Macca). In fact, they're the only 2 places where anything good happens, and saying that Roxy's s good is stretching it. Both have lockouts - Roxy's-3:30pm ($5 entry after 10pm) and The Macca at 1:30pm (no charge-you pay for it in your drinks). BOTH WILL CHECK FOR ID AND THOSE CAUGHT WITH FAKES WILL BE HELD FOR THE POLICE.
4. The best beaches are Flynns, Lighthouse and Town. Shelly's is good if you are having a BBQ with some friends etc. Flynns also have BBQ's.
5. Other than the beach, you can go to the go-karts (ages to go though-on the Highway), paintball (on the way to Wauchope (ages away)), rock climbing (boring), the beach, beach or you can be a town rat. IF YOU HATE THE BEACH, DON'T BOTHER WASTING YOUR MONEY HERE.
That's all I can really say. Port is pretty boring compared to the major cities. If I am here though, just don't piss me off! I will probably be at schoolies in Melbourne though-should be fun!
If there is anything else you need, please feel free to just post or send me a PM!