Firstly, my school has a relatively small population of bitches and they're usually concentrated in the lower grades. The rest of the girls don't have to act cute because most of them are cute. Neither do they have pencil cases with different smelling pens and shit because usually smell very nice and thus do not require artificial means to cover up their shit like the girls you've obviously encountered. And they do take pictures, except they're very normal pictures, not these abnormal "fob pics" that you speak of. IF you find a "fob pic", please show me. I'm pretty sure it would be made in Taiwan.
And as for that peace sign, i think it's quite a good thing they're all for global peace. So fuck you you psychotic Saddam spawn.
Their innocence come from the fact that they usually have very cute facial features. If you can't appreciate that, please go and stick a cactus up your tight sphincter.
"and shit that is like "cute" pink/blue bears and other shit,stand pidgeon toed, and take fob pics and do that STOOPID peace sign thingo " - you're still typing like a fob you noob.