Well I guess the source I got the info from may have been biased: she transferred to UNSW after 1 year in Newie med. Among many things she said:
i) They have a big board somewhere in the building where you go to check assignments etc. You don't even get official notice of exams/work, you have to go and find it out yourself from notices stuck up around the place
ii) No anatomy classes
iii) No indication about the scope of the exam - meaning you stress yourself studying as much as possible to make sure you've covered everything
iv) Pass/Fail system doesn't let you know how well/bad you really performed in exams
Melbourne's implemented a PBL system very similar to most other universities. I don't know why people keep going on and on about how they're very "old school" and emphasise academic ability over clinical. They have components of their course catering towards the teaching of communication/ethics, much like every other university. They also have had a decrease in the amount of anatomy taught, and they don't learn distinct subjects - they do PBL cases every week. In terms of hours spent in the uni, they spend as much as us (UNSW) or even less sometimes, ranging from 18 - 23 hours depending on whether they have labs/practicals.
So yeah. Taking all that into consideration, I don't think any of those courses are particularly better than ours. I don't think there are any outstanding medical curriculums at the moment, as most unis seem to use the same things.