When I was younger, I said I wanted to be married at 22. I dont have a girlfriend yet, so my guess is that wouldnt be happening
But now I dont really care. I was looking at uni options and the course I wanted to do went for 5 years, and afterwards I want to go to bible college. The college i want to go to has an alternating curriculum so if I want to do the subject I want, it means theres a year in between when I'd be doing nothing.
Sydney Uni hasnt told me whether i can do my course or not, so Im planning around me being able to do it. If I can, id want to get married in that year. So id be 24 or 25. I think I may do that anyway, cause 5 years is a long time to meet someone i like and who likes me back.
About kids, I wouldnt have a clue. I thought a guy and a girl would be nice, but whatever decides to pop out is fine by me