haha I agree that hula-ing to the right feels totally wrong! Super hula is great, but it makes me so tired and un-co afterwards. I think my max is around 350 for single, and 900ish for super (I'm not sure why I'm better at super.. you'd think it would be even?)
I did the island lap last night and had a burn rate of 97% which i thought was pretty impressive! (not that I understand fat burning and all those things).
Supra, the wii fit is good for me because I am lazy and don't go to the gym.. my exercise prior to the wii fit consisted of the odd walk and some yoga. For me, it makes exercising fun and passes the time much faster. I'm loving doing 30 minute free-step while watching TV; the other day I did 3000 steps - thats 30% of the daily requirement done while watching Friends!