I heard this true story when I was 7 years old. This story is about a Greek Mathematician Who was so sick and he was going to die and at the same time he was not able to solve a maths problem ( unfortunately I forgot the name of the mathematician). Some time later the other mathematician comes to visit this sick mathematician, the sick mathematician says to the other mathematician "please, show me how to solve the problem" and the other mathematician in response says" you are so sick, you are going to die and you are not in good condition's; what is the need to know the solution?". The sick mathematician says "tell me which on of these is the best chice: 1- I do not know the solution and I die as an idiot 2-I understand how to solve the problem and then I die".
I thinks this has a great conclusion at least for me and if you think about the word of this sick mathematician, you will find that there are a lot of meanings hidden in his words.