What to do.. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
I’m hoping someone can relate to my experience. Ever since year 7 I have been an all-subject A-grader. I have got dux of my year and I’m am probably one of the most motivated in my year when it comes to academics. This year was refreshing, I have worked so far harder then any other year, more inspired, even more mature. And yet, I’m doing terribly at school. I don’t know why, and it concerns me everyday. I have never got in the low 70’s before, and have always had at least 4 subjects in the 90’s on my school reports. I’m a dedicated student, and I think you’ve all realised that. But I just don’t understand why I’m getting 70’s!?!?!?! in nearly all my tests, for every subject.
I come home everyday do my homework until late. I’m not new to studying, I know what it takes to get good marks, and I’m not “struggling” with the workload. I hardly go out anymore and commit less to social activities. The only thing I can think of that is distracting me from doing well is that I put too much time into homework and tasks before an assessment, then I “burn out” for the actual test that counts.

Our reports are coming out in 2 weeks, and for the first time I feel like I can’t show my parents, who are expecting top marks.

I wish I could just start year 11 all over again. Now I’m scared that this will happen in year 12. Even though I am on-top of my work and studying...I see no reason why I should be seeing 70’s on my report. My goal of this year was to get Dux again, but that just seems like a joke when I see the marks I’m getting. The worse part is that it makes it out as if I’ve been slacking off or lazy, but really I haven’t, I’m just getting these marks because I dont know why.

Anyone have any advice?


Oct 28, 2007
milk-&-honey said:
I’m hoping someone can relate to my experience. Ever since year 7 I have been an all-subject A-grader. I have got dux of my year and I’m am probably one of the most motivated in my year when it comes to academics. This year was refreshing, I have worked so far harder then any other year, more inspired, even more mature. And yet, I’m doing terribly at school. I don’t know why, and it concerns me everyday. I have never got in the low 70’s before, and have always had at least 4 subjects in the 90’s on my school reports. I’m a dedicated student, and I think you’ve all realised that. But I just don’t understand why I’m getting 70’s!?!?!?! in nearly all my tests, for every subject.
I come home everyday do my homework until late. I’m not new to studying, I know what it takes to get good marks, and I’m not “struggling” with the workload. I hardly go out anymore and commit less to social activities. The only thing I can think of that is distracting me from doing well is that I put too much time into homework and tasks before an assessment, then I “burn out” for the actual test that counts.

Our reports are coming out in 2 weeks, and for the first time I feel like I can’t show my parents, who are expecting top marks.

I wish I could just start year 11 all over again. Now I’m scared that this will happen in year 12. Even though I am on-top of my work and studying...I see no reason why I should be seeing 70’s on my report. My goal of this year was to get Dux again, but that just seems like a joke when I see the marks I’m getting. The worse part is that it makes it out as if I’ve been slacking off or lazy, but really I haven’t, I’m just getting these marks because I dont know why.

Anyone have any advice?
You resemble my best mate at school. He was the one of the top academic student in the past years but he performed terribly last term but he is hoping for higher marks this term.

I do not know what must have caused that downfall. Only reason that I can deduce from your post is that you made a terrible start to your Preliminary due to your inexperience with higher level of academic programmes (I do not mean any offence). Materials that you pick up in Year 11 tends to have a big jump from the materials that you take in Year 10. That is absolutely true and it is usual for many students to panic and perform badly.

However, you should not worry. According to my school's Dux, confusion is the first stage of learning. It is only through overcoming that stage that you can truly cope with anything that are thrown to you. Never panic. If it is necessary, keep reminding yourself that Preliminary results would not have any impact on your HSC results (but I hope that you do not hold that approach).

You have got no problem in regards to your studying approach & exam techniques, I do not know why you get the marks in the 70s. Would you mind telling what your exam preparations are like?

By the way, do you know why you made certain mistakes in exams? If you merely made a mistake in exam, it is not the long-term problem. It can be easily overcome by being careful.


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
Thanks for the replies.

Well there's no problem with understanding the content, thats fine. Even economics which I thought would be harder to grasp seems to be coming along well.
I see that cramming isn't very good in year 11, so i start studying a week or two before. I make all my summaries as good and as detailed as i need (summarising 5 different books into one summary so that I can see the content in different perspectives), do past papers, do heaps of work for japanese (which is maybe the only subject i will get in the 90's on my report), i make time for everything really. I was doing relaly well in my advancd tests, the one i got back today was 73% - i was hoping for high 80's but when i looked over, I made so many stupid mistakes...ahhh


Oct 28, 2007
milk-&-honey said:
Thanks for the replies.

Well there's no problem with understanding the content, thats fine. Even economics which I thought would be harder to grasp seems to be coming along well.
I see that cramming isn't very good in year 11, so i start studying a week or two before. I make all my summaries as good and as detailed as i need (summarising 5 different books into one summary so that I can see the content in different perspectives), do past papers, do heaps of work for japanese (which is maybe the only subject i will get in the 90's on my report), i make time for everything really. I was doing relaly well in my advancd tests, the one i got back today was 73% - i was hoping for high 80's but when i looked over, I made so many stupid mistakes...ahhh
Well, there you go! You know your mistakes and all you need to do now is to produce some success from those mistakes.


New Member
May 6, 2008
chatty wood
stress less
for starters its only year 11
and dont worry about your parents
you should be doing this for you not them
so maybe your first half of year 11 isnt as good as everything else
but just try harder
and you have to remember
that its a big jump between year 10 and 11

and maybee
going out every now and then would be good
because your whole life for the next 2 years shouldnt be focused on school and school only because theres no fun in that
and the HSC isnt everything


Jan 31, 2008
here's the TRUTH. If you fail now, you fail forever. Back in Year 7,8,9, 10 no one else cared about school so no one bothered in trying to do well in assessments. BUT now, because year 11 and 12 is pretty important, the bludgers begin to do their work and earn their grades and most of them are much more naturally gifted then you lot. While you think you are the best in the school, you suddenly get overtaken by random bludgers. Well, sorry to tell you the truth but SNAP! gg! LOL HSC!


May 10, 2007
H4rdc0r3 said:
here's the TRUTH. If you fail now, you fail forever. Back in Year 7,8,9, 10 no one else cared about school so no one bothered in trying to do well in assessments. BUT now, because year 11 and 12 is pretty important, the bludgers begin to do their work and earn their grades and most of them are much more naturally gifted then you lot. While you think you are the best in the school, you suddenly get overtaken by random bludgers. Well, sorry to tell you the truth but SNAP! gg! LOL HSC!
I'm sure H4rdc0r3 is just joking. We're just talking about it on MSN - and he's just trying to stir you up. What he meant to say was that with hard work, you can achieve many things. Like others above us said, try talking to teachers, and ask them where you went wrong.
Jun 26, 2007
i know just how you feel milk-&-honey. same thing happened to me.

adding on to the stupid mistakes bit---you need to balance your life out too. we were told this by a year 12 counsillor. you need to make time for your social life etc.
you need sleep too before a big exam. if youre staying up all night studying then you are going to be burnt out for the exam. if you are studying hard in the weeks prior too, then the night before, have a rest. take a night off and relax. go to bed early so you have plenty of sleep.
and eat good food.

that can be a factor.
hope it helps >.<

ps. its only year 11. it doesnt count. so practise different methods of studying styles and stuff this year and find what works best so that you'll be set for next year.


Apr 16, 2008
Just try to destress :) It happens to everyone - my year coordinator says that the first term of year 11 is the biggest jump, and if you can get past that, even if not well, you'll be fine. That happened to one of my friends who was dux of the year last year, she got bad marks last term, but she's doing really well again this term. And as all the other people have said, year 11 doesn't count (?) so just use it to become more comfortable with how you study for each subject, in preparation for next year :D good luck anyway


stop looking at me swan.
Apr 26, 2008
cadbury world.
it sounds like u have cracked - too much work
i also tend to make stupid mistakes when i push myself too much


Retired Member
Aug 31, 2007
Just study smart and develop on your study habits :). If you continue to work hard, I assure you, that you'll be satisfied with your results. Keep it up and good luck.

EDIT: Make sure you also balance your life e.g. play sport, go partying :).


Active Member
Aug 11, 2007
H4rdc0r3 said:
here's the TRUTH. If you fail now, you fail forever. Back in Year 7,8,9, 10 no one else cared about school so no one bothered in trying to do well in assessments. BUT now, because year 11 and 12 is pretty important, the bludgers begin to do their work and earn their grades and most of them are much more naturally gifted then you lot. While you think you are the best in the school, you suddenly get overtaken by random bludgers. Well, sorry to tell you the truth but SNAP! gg! LOL HSC!
Actually some of this post is true. In Year 11 and 12, most people start to take their studies more seriously than in previous years.


New Member
Apr 8, 2008
Okay, the way i see it is....

Although I understand how you want to do well and things like that, its unrealistic for you to think that each and every time you do a test or something that your gonna get a great mark. And whats wrong with a mark in the 70's anyway?
Its just a mark.
Your school marks do not define who you are as a person and its not gonna matter in a years time anyway.
chill out. LOL.

Maybe your pushing yourself too hard? Maybe if you took a little break out from studying then it will all come back to you. The more you worry about it, the worse your gonna do because your putting more and more pressure on yourself to do well.

You'll be fine.

Cheer up : - )


Dec 7, 2007
First thing's first - there's nothing wrong with marks in the 70s. In most maths and science related subjects, the average is about 50, according to our VP, who also does all the curriculum related stuff. Even in subjects like English, you really have to know your stuff to get above about 75%.

Lots of people have the same problem as you. Year 11 is a HUGE step from year 10, especially when it comes to the structure of classes and what people expect. Teachers who have marked easily in the past quite often start marking harder, there's more work to get through in lots of the syllabuses, so they have to rush a lot more compared to past years, and many other things. But if you feel like you should be doing better, talk to your teachers, and ask them where you're losing marks. Sometimes, they'll be able to tell you about one little thing you consistantly do wrong, and by fixing it, you'll pick up and extra mark or 5 in your assessments.

Also, you're going to burn out if your life is all about study and school. The world is not going to end if you don't get a UAI of 99.99 (not that year 11 really counts for anything anyway), and if you're constantly working, you'll just stress yourself out. It's really important to be able to recognise when you're burning out, and take some time out. If you get stressed about not working, then you won't be able to work, which will stress you more, and you'll get even less done...it's a really vicious cycle. There's nothing wrong with taking an hour off here or there in the evenings. There's nothing wrong with having a weekend off, seeing your friends and generally having some time for yourself. The work that you might miss out that weekend will be easier to catch up on than a month of work you haven't done because you're having a mental break down.

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