it is a bit of a worry you don't know and it's due on monday, but no use dwelling!
i found this site useful. it is the marking guidelines.
but yeh, you really should have a heap of information from your primary and secondary resources.
a good way to work through central material is in chapters.
work out the main points for your PIP, eg. if it is about underpants these could be chapters
1: how underpants effect peer socialisation
2: underpants and their portrayal in the media- a media analysis and case study on the tv show "underpants are us"
3: underpants and their institutional roles
4: where are underpants headed in the future?
put an introduction together first integrating the KEY CONCEPTS of your PIP. look at the key concepts for SAC- u need to use these thoroughly throughout your PIP. perhaps write them in hgue letters on a piece of paper and put them in front of you while you type your central material, making sure you integrate them throughout- consistently.
get to wrok my friend! you've got a long haul ahead of you. make sure you annotate all your references in your bibliography and put heaps of footnotes- everyone loves footnotes.
im just about to finish mine but im over the word limit by about 1000 words. dont do that. it stinks.
good luck!