Here is some subject-specific advice that I believe can assist you in reaching your desired ATAR.
English Standard:
It is important to ensure that you are aware of the themes/ideas/issues raised by each module and the manner in which such themes/ideas/issues are conveyed within your prescribed texts for each module. Doing so involves gaining a thorough understanding of each of your prescribed texts, including specific quotes and techniques that you believe are important and through which you can establish connections between those texts and the respective modules, ultimately allowing you to effectively respond to essay questions by developing high-quality responses.
In terms of essay writing, you should attempt to respond to a number of practice essay questions (or questions that specify a particular type of writing, such as Module C questions) that fall under each module and seek feedback from your teacher regarding your writing. This will enable you to identify areas of improvement and, if needed, implement any suggestions that your teacher may have. This will ensure that you are able to maintain (and possibly improve) your currently decent marks.
Using English Standard resources (many of which are available in the Notes & Resources section), may be beneficial as these can provide guidance in areas where you feel the need. They can be accessed using the following link:
You're currently viewing our resources for English Standard. For additional assistance, you should refer to the discussion forum for this course.
Information Processes and Technology:
Favourable performance in IPT requires thorough knowledge and understanding of the content. Based on this, you should ensure that you regularly revise the compulsory and option topics and seek clarification regarding any concepts that you do not fully understand, which will allow you to consolidate your knowledge and understanding in that particular area (if applicable).
Accessing the
syllabus document for IPT will enable you to gain an idea as to the ways through which you may be required to apply the knowledge gained by studying each topic. Extensive use of practice material (such as relevant questions and past exam papers) will support your ability to apply your knowledge to various types of questions as well as determine and address areas where improvement is required when needed.
Similar to English Standard, using resources (such as notes) to supplement your studies and preparations may be beneficial with respect to your performance in IPT. Based on this, I suggest having a look at the following resource:
ngl but I put my blood, sweat and tears into this My notes covered absolutely everything u need to know i got 94 for IPT with these notes :) give these notes a rating too :D enjoy!!
Mathematics Extension 1:
Effective study for Mathematics Extension 1 involves gaining a good understanding of the concepts/content in addition to applying this understanding to practice material, such as textbook questions and past exam papers. Doing so will enhance your ability to apply your knowledge to different types of questions while simultaneously identifying areas of improvement. In such a case, you should ensure that you regularly seek further clarification regarding particular concepts that you feel you may not be fully confident/familiar with. Once you consolidate your understanding of those, you can further support your studies and preparations by completing additional practice material.
Regarding textbooks, students generally seem to agree that the Cambridge textbook is the most effective given the more difficult questions that it contains, as opposed to other textbooks such as Maths in Focus. If you are currently using Cambridge, then you should keep doing so while being mindful of the above. If you are using Maths in Focus, then you should consider either switching to Cambridge or using both textbooks. This may be helpful in the sense that Maths in Focus can assist you in familiarising yourself with a concept as you encounter it for the first time, whereas Cambridge can help you master that concept, thanks to the exposure to more challenging questions, which constitutes good practice.
However, if you are using neither Cambridge nor Maths in Focus, then, based on your needs, you may wish to consider using Cambridge and/or Cambridge + Maths in Focus, or another combination (or just one textbook) that you believe would best meet your needs.
I hope this helps!