Originally posted by redslert
haha i have stegman for econ.....i stop going after 2weeks before his is EXTREMELY BORING! his mono-toned voice and the boringness of him going straight from the textbook layout....i might as well do it myself
exactli how i feel.. ahha
stegman is like a spitting machine..... cant sit at the front cuz of that.. though if i sit at the bk i just fall asleep cuz his voice is hypnotic
qma - louise knows his stuff, but too much effort trying to decipher what he says.. so i end up falling asleep
act- falls asleep altogether.... havent been to lec since wk 6... though i am not produ of it.. but i just fall asleep.....
so in conclusion, thank god for pass and pitstop
biz law is the onli subject that i have been to every single lecture...do my wkly readings...make notes... and i absoluteli luv it....