Hey guys! New to this board. MARIEZE, TENILLE and AIRLIE - we're also doing appeasement. I'm an Ancient girl (I like 'cultural history' more than 'political history', and there was a timetable clash with Modern and IPT, so I couldn't do the former) but am finding it a real eye opener. Did you guys watch Harwood's play Road to War - it had Ian McKellen in it as...wait for it...HITLER!! (Being a total LOTR fanatic, I found it really hard to believe!!) If you are interested, we could do a notes swap. Also, I am interested to know: what books are you reading on the topic? And what historians are you focussing on? We're doing AJP Taylor at the moment...Lovely to know I'm not alone...Feel free to pm me anytime!!
BLINDN: LOL! I go to a Catholic school, and believe me, we definitely don't have the edge when it comes to studying things like that...if anything, we get bored more easily because we've been hearing the nuns drone on about it for six years!! Besides, I think the CEO advised Catholic schools not to take their kids to see it...at least that's what I've heard...
Have a great day everyone - and please check out my post concerning my project! Any help would be greatly appreciated.