Welfare system reform. (1 Viewer)


coked up sociopath
Sep 30, 2009
The American Gardens Building
Alright, another idea. What if welfare was provided by the government through a system modelled on private charity? Say a wide network of food and basic clothing banks was established, as well as other outlets providing essential resources. There would be limited/no criteria that needed to be met to access the facilities, just an item limit. It would also be far more politically feasible than abolishing welfare altogether, as it wouldn't be perceived as entirely neglecting the disadvantaged...
Dude, just stop. Everyone would take advantage of this if there were no restrictions on who could access it, even if you're rich, why wouldn't you pick up some free food? Running the facilities, monitoring usage and items limits would be expensive itself. Also, how do disadvantaged people pay their rent and basic bills with this food/clothing banks system?

Sorry, but these ideas are just awful. The LDP came up with a reasonable compromise, which was the 30-30 negative income tax system (you can read about it on their website).

Also my post about phasing out welfare described how it could be done pretty well. Imo phasing out welfare over a few years is not a much harder sell than limiting it to food and clothing. Failing that, a better option is simply to reduce the total value of the payments.

I think the solution is to legalise all drugs.
Now you're talkin'. In all seriousness, this would solve so many problems. Not that I need to convince you. All we can do is cringe and facepalm at how fucking stupid people are.
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Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Jun 4, 2006
Dude, just stop. Everyone would take advantage of this if there were no restrictions. Running the facilities, monitoring usage and items limits would be expensive itself. Also, how do disadvantaged people pay their rent and bills with this food/clothing banks system?
It was a suggested example of an alternative way the government could provide food/clothing etc to the poor, not a comprehensive replacement system.

How could private charity possibly work effectively and not be subject to the same problems? Free goods being taken advantage of occurs regardless of the source being government or private. Either way, that's simply not true. Most people don't have the will to attempt to obtain large quantities of simple food and clothing from facilities intended to assist the poor.

I don't see how it's so ridiculous to make attempts at devising a more effective/less harmful version of the current system, particularly with it having such a destructive effect on Indigenous communities. You are well aware the welfare state isn't going away for decades at least.

Edit: And I know about the 30/30 system. It would be much more efficient and less costly, but the money would still be abused in the same way. Providing the poor with regular payments generally just doesn't seem to have any positive impact on their standard of living.
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coked up sociopath
Sep 30, 2009
The American Gardens Building
It was a suggested example of an alternative way the government could provide food/clothing etc to the poor, not a comprehensive replacement system.
Right. So we have one system for making transfer payments for rent and bills, and another for providing food and clothes. And this duplication is going to save money?

How could private charity possibly work effectively and not be subject to the same problems? Free goods being taken advantage of occurs regardless of the source being government or private. Regardless, that's simply not true.
Private charities are totally different. They don't have rules handed down to them from a centralized organization telling them how they can behave (do I really need to convince you of the ineffectiveness of central planning).

Private charities can simply weed out people who appear non genuine based on intuition and local knowledge. They are not expected to "guarantee" anything, so it is much harder for people to abuse them. If a private charity turns someone away, they have to keep trying other charities until they can convince someone that they are deserving.

With a government organization aimed at guaranteeing everyone has food and clothing, its very hard to turn anyone away if there is even a slight chance that they do need it. Unlike with private charity run by volunteers, employees of a government agency have no incentive to deny undeserving people goods since they are motivated by wages which they get either way.

Most people don't have the will to attempt to obtain large quantities of simple food and clothing from facilities intended to assist the poor.
People do have the will to obtain simple food and clothing from such facilities. To ensure people can afford enough food and clothes for the week, you're looking at nearly $100 per person, that's a huge saving to the average household, even if they don't need it. If you can just walk in and pick it up for free (especially since they are basic items you'd buy anyway), why on earth wouldn't you? I know I would. It's no more hassle than picking them up from the supermarket, and IT'S FREE!

Don't underestimate how cheap even some wealthy people are. Even if you put in a few hurdles (which costs more money), a lot of people will go to great lengths to get something for free.

People are also less likely to feel guilty about taking advantage of it compared to stealing from charity, because after all it is paid for by their taxes and many people feel ripped off by the tax system anyway.

I don't see how it's so ridiculous to make attempts at devising a more effective/less harmful version of the current system, particularly with it having such a destructive effect on Indigenous communities. You are well aware the welfare state isn't going away for decades at least.
There's nothing wrong with trying, but so far all your ideas have been retarded.

Edit: And I know about the 30/30 system. It would be much more efficient and less costly, but the money would still be abused in the same way. Providing the poor with regular payments generally just doesn't seem to have any positive impact on their standard of living.
30-30 totally changes the incentive structure. Yes people still receive a regular payment, but instead of losing 50-60% of each dollar they earn if they go from welfare to work (as they do now), they would only loose 30%.

Your attempts to devise something better are admirable I guess, but the basic problem is welfare doesn't work. Replacing money with goods does not change the basic problem of welfare, because goods can always be converted to money.
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Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Jun 4, 2006
Right. So we have one system for making transfer payments for rent and bills, and another for providing food and clothes. And this duplication is going to save money?
I didn't even mention the involvement of transfer payments, and obviously that conflicts with my main point that they are almost always ineffective and commonly abused

Private charities are totally different. They don't have rules handed down to them from a centralized organization telling them how they can behave.
Sure they do. This is commonly the case with larger charities.

Private charities can simply weed out people who appear non genuine based on intuition and local knowledge. They are not expected to "guarantee" anything, so it is much harder for people to abuse them. If a private charity turns someone away, they have to keep trying other charities until they can convince someone that they are deserving.
Private charities very rarely turn ordinary individuals away, in fact many (often religious), have specific policies against doing so. For anyone with the will to abuse the services of charities, it is a straightforward task.

People do have the will to obtain simple food and clothing from such facilities. If you can just walk in and pick it up for free (especially since they are basic items you'd buy anyway), why on earth wouldn't you? I know I would. It's no more hassle than picking them up from the supermarket, and IT'S FREE!
There are probably already several churches around your area that have dedicated free meals, and also would organise a food parcel for you if you asked.

Most people will pay for choice, quality and variety. Many also do not want to appear poor.
There's nothing wrong with trying, but so far all your ideas have been retarded.
Oh okay.


Aug 16, 2009
How about phasing out cash payments and giving people food and accommodation and clothes which in itself is so shitty that its just about enough to continue living but not enough to lead any sort of dignified lifestyle. Like 4 x 7 rooms and gruel with protein and fibre (they have to continue living) provided by the government to anyone who earns below a certain threshold but. standard issue grey on grey clothes. no additional services. the accommodation units can be built way out of town where land is cheap and using labour from said unemployeds.

The goal would be to simply make welfare so terrible that no one can stand it but just enough that people aren't homeless and starving and shit.

Disabled and aged are not subject to this. This is just for the able bodied lazy mofos.

Before you guys say anything, yeah it will increase bureaucracy but i think it'll get a whole bunch of people who have some degree of dignity off welfare and looking for a real job. (I do support your anti-minimum wage and other labour reform proposals in addition to this jennyfdb.)

And since they aren't gonna be given any money, or any real goods to be traded they can't spend it on booze/drugs....


Mar 25, 2009
How about rounding up the aborigines into camps or reservations and then attempting to find a solution to the problem?

chelsea girl

everybody knows
Oct 12, 2006
How about phasing out cash payments and giving people food and accommodation and clothes which in itself is so shitty that its just about enough to continue living but not enough to lead any sort of dignified lifestyle. Like 4 x 7 rooms and gruel with protein and fibre (they have to continue living) provided by the government to anyone who earns below a certain threshold but. standard issue grey on grey clothes. no additional services. the accommodation units can be built way out of town where land is cheap and using labour from said unemployeds.

The goal would be to simply make welfare so terrible that no one can stand it but just enough that people aren't homeless and starving and shit.

Disabled and aged are not subject to this. This is just for the able bodied lazy mofos.

Before you guys say anything, yeah it will increase bureaucracy but i think it'll get a whole bunch of people who have some degree of dignity off welfare and looking for a real job. (I do support your anti-minimum wage and other labour reform proposals in addition to this jennyfdb.)

And since they aren't gonna be given any money, or any real goods to be traded they can't spend it on booze/drugs....

um, then there will just be a massive increase in crime as people who can't/won't work will find other ways to subsidise their lifestyle.


Jun 9, 2009
why dont we put them in prison camps and force them to recieve and education
once they reach a yr10 level atleast they can leave.


Jun 9, 2009
how much government intervention is enough

the government should provide optional welfare packages that include things such as education vouchers/free education. priority jobsearch agencies. aboriginal work grants like they have around here, sponsered by the council. grants are provided for an aboriginal only work team to be set up to work on projects relelvant to them like rivers and shit.

if the coons ~want~ the better themselves, they should be provided with the option of it. if they want to sit around and drink piss all day, that is their choice, and no priority should be given to them.

Edit: also rent assitance and food vouchers. lower welfare $$ to the bare minimum.

conditions of the welfare is they work as labourers to build the houses they are to live in. while studying something such as a trade

once they have homes and food and free medical are and are given the option of free education then what more can we do for them
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Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Rather some money be taken from richer people and given to poorer people, so that the money can be spent. More money spent in supermarkets, shops, etc = more demand for products = more jobs = lower unemployment.
1. many of these "rich" people own small businesses, so you're taking money away money from them which could have been put back into their business, allowing them to expand and hire new people
2. Same thing can be said when you take business taxes into account for larger businesses.
3. These "rich" people would spend their money anyway, and would do so in much more diverse way which is better for the economy.


Mar 25, 2009
Rather some money be taken from richer people and given to poorer people, so that the money can be spent. More money spent in supermarkets, shops, etc = more demand for products = more jobs = lower unemployment.
Jesus fuck that is outright retarded. The government doesn't know how to spend your money better than you do.

The opportunity cost to that person may be an extra house, or investment or something similar. The money does not lie stagnant so to say 'the money will be spent better' is absolutely idiotic.

Broken window fallacy 101


Mar 25, 2009
The only suggestion that i can think of at the moment is:

- Abolish the superannuation funding.

The aim of the superannuation is to supply money while a person is in retirement and no longer works. I think that is good aim.

But the fucked up thing about the superannuation is that whoever looks after the superannuation increases their fees so that they have the "incentive" to do their job. (Translation: to fuel their greed.) This enables whoever looks after the superannuation to take a huge portion of the worker's superannuation funds. This is bad news for the workers especially in recessions.

The bastards took nearly half of my dad's superannuation funds for some financial years.

In the last financial year, the bastards took nearly all of my Dad's superannuation funds

And the other fucked up thing is that I think the funds are not frequently re-indexed due to inflation.

If other reforms are to be made, then make it so that the fucking bastards in "high" job positions don't abuse the system. It seems that some richer people abuse the system too.
Go to a better super fund like say Australian super, that doesn't have fees you dickshit.

You don't really get the whole 'competition' and 'economy' thing do you?


Mar 25, 2009
It won't prove to be useful for your trot economics course, but w/e. It will teach you the actual truth about economics, not the neo-keynsian bullshit you're taught in high school


Mar 25, 2009
Can I ask u something, have u read other books about economics?

It seems you are biased from one view.
I did HSC economics and did extraordinarily well in it, then I actually bothered to learn about economics and it's fairly obvious keynsianism is based on magic and voodoo.


Mar 25, 2009
"Biased in one view"

"It seems you are biased in the scientific method instead of accepting any other views you are a wrong person"


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