bobbinbrisco said:
ur a bright one. can u tell me when you took that screen shot? dumbshit
the outage was suppose to be from 8am to 1pm today but it just got back online. just coz it was online now it doesnt mean it was online before: why would they post a message telling everybody that it is NOW ONLINE? because it was down LONGER THAN IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE DIPSHIT.
bobbinbrisco said:
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary said:
Main Entry: joke
Pronunciation: 'jOk
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin jocus; perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yAcati he asks
1 a : something said or done to provoke laughter; especially : a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twist b (1) : the humorous or ridiculous element in something (2) : an instance of jesting : KIDDING <can't take a joke> c : PRACTICAL JOKE d : LAUGHINGSTOCK
2 : something not to be taken seriously : a trifling matter <consider his skiing a joke -- Harold Callender> -- often used in negative construction <it is no joke to be lost in the desert>
bobbinbrisco said:
again you are basing your argument on that same flaw, It wouldn't be following the topical line if nothing suggested that the "spastics" comment was against the uni. What "meter"? the circle of dots? that means jack shit to non FF users. What the hell is "online units" circled supposed to mean?
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary said:
Main Entry: iro·ny
Pronunciation: 'I-r&-nE also 'I(-&)r-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -nies
Etymology: Latin ironia, from Greek eirOnia, from eirOn dissembler
2 a : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning b : a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony c : an ironic expression or utterance
3 a (1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity b : incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play
"It wouldn't be following the topical line if nothing suggested that the "spastics" comment was against the uni." Nothing suggested that the spastics comment was against the uni? Refer to the above quote. Please, praytell, why is it that you are the only one who seems to misunderstand this concept of irony?
bobbinbrisco said:
Your first post didn't read like a joke: why did you put so much effort into the screen shot with the circling, cropping... + the lack of any emoticons.
This topic was basically for ranting (despite the bullshit about when it will be up). If you say something out of line expect to be bitten.
P.S In reply to 3. I think so.
bobbinbrisco said:
bobbinbrisco said:
It is working now so AsyLum how the hell could you get the joke without reading redrums message that it was not working at that time?
You a) assume that i only read about the message as i posted, wrong, b) assume i misunderstood or clearly did not have the capacity to understand the joke, wrong.
bobbinbrisco said:
Look mate, your picture shows jack shit about incompetance. That loading thing circled could mean anything and implied that it was working for you. When i checked it at that time after you put up your 1st post it was working which reconfirmed what i thought you were saying.
The argument and thread was titled and directed towards WebCT not functioning. Now if redruM had in fact just stated "spastics" then it would seem out of place. The fact he circled, the "loading," "online units" and the message which clearly stated that WebCT was up, when in fact it wasnt tend to suggest that he in fact was showing the irony in the message.
redruM said:
well just so that you sleep easy at night, when i posted that pic, the webct was down(it was the first time i had checked today) and it said that webct is working again, when it wasnt.
bobbinbrisco said:
I was not defending the uni but rather was defending myself. It was working when I read your 1st post so obviously the spastics comment seem directed at us. Your second post also did not clarify this point.
Now, even IF we were to take your position, your anger seems to be very subjective and self-centered. "I was not.." "It was working when I..." Now, lets view the timing of the posts, redruM's was posted at 2nd April 2005, 06:30 PM.
Yours, 2nd April 2005, 07:33 PM
Would it be possible, that within that time frame of one hour, that WebCT was still down BEFORE you checked it again?
bobbinbrisco said:
LOL that "smart" post of yours (about the irony if no one can work that out) took too much effort that you just had to draw attention to it again (in effect posting it twice). admit it.
The reiteration, you "arrogant fool" as you have so beautifully accorded me, was due to your inability to understand this point.
bobbinbrisco said:
"OHNOES! I meant that bashing.. ah fuck it." geez you'll do anything to suck up and kiss ass.
Another reason I think you're still not getting anything we say. You have an inability to read further into the implications and connotations, but rather take everything as if it were face value.
... said:
ur a bright one. can u tell me when you are gonna smash your head? dumbshit
the bashing of your head was suppose to be from 12am to 8pm today but you just got online. just cozyou were online now it doesnt meanyou were online before: why would you post a message telling everybody that you are NOW ONLINE? because you were down LONGER THAN IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE DIPSHIT.
This post, if you hadnt already noticed, was mocking you, and played upon the imitation and parody.
bobbinbrisco said:
So it's okay if half your day is wasted waiting for the service to get up and running again?
No it isnt, and we were all in the same ship. Dont feel special.
bobbinbrisco said:
It's not like they do this everyday. Why do you care for the system admins- they will get paid for it. Do you really think the uni will go bankrupt because of this? Who do you think pays for these services?
Online Teaching Facility - System Error: Units Unavailable said:
Due to a system error over the long weekend, many units in the Online Teaching Facility (WebCT) are currently unavailable for access. We have and will continue to address the problem with the highest priority. At this stage we hope to restore full access by the afternoon of Wed 30 March 2005.
Did it ever occur to you that they were fixing it? Or that these "sys admins" are workers AND humans?
bobbinbrisco said:
I expect a better service because I/students am/are the one/s who's paying their bills. What other bussiness do you know of performs maintenance on their servers during business hours without a backup or anything? This uni makes a ton of money and you worry about weather hiring one guy or two to do some work on the servers will be "economically viable".
bobbinbrisco said:
Yes, of course, i mean universities are overflowing with money, thats why large scale cutbacks and cost cutting has been implemented within most, if not all, universities and other tertiary institutions. Do you pay full fee? Even then, do you pay for the university to keep running in such a way that without you it would simply collapse?
bobbinbrisco said:
nearly 3pm and still cant get thru.
y can't they do this at 3am when no ones using it?
bobbinbrisco said:
half past 6. i can't get in- has anyone been able to log in?
this is a POS service.
And? Sounds like most users who were frustrated, what right above us do you have to personally undertake the "insult" that redrum was supposed to have inflicted?
/edit/ Haha reaver beat me to it