the GFC plugened us into dept, which was caused by economists. are you that fucking narrow minded that you think that Rudd single handledly caused the GFC?
BTW enconomists jobs include making money harder to get hold of, so how does money make people happy?
It makes people want to buy things, they encounter a brief moment of happyness (they have money) then they spend it and they are sad again.
Do you really believe that money is the centre of all, even though economists have screwed up the economy.
Rudd may have wasted money on laptops that don't work (im using one right now) but at least he CARED, which is something at Howard, Turnbull, Fraiser, Abbot and YOU have all failed at.
Money doesnt make people happy, it evokes compulsive behavior.
How bad would life be without money; 10,000 years ago humanity survived without economists so why can't we.
Because of your beloved economists, my family can't afford our house anymore.
None of Rudd's policies have affected our immediate way of life, so WHO THE FUCK CARES???
also it says at the top "Re: Rudd was not a mistake - let's compare him to Tony Abbot.

" so therefore the topic has changed and now we can talk about Abbot all we want
I know this is off topic but i dont give a shit.